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ITALY: Milk production and utilization 2019

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<< Year 2018 ITALY: Milk Production (Tons) Year 2020 >>
2019 Bovine Ovine Caprine Bufalino Total
NATIONAL DELIVERIES (ND) 12.117.160 467.650 44.440 0 12.907.465
Import Bulk Milk 1.275.023   1.275.023
TOTAL AVAILABILITY (A) 13.392.183 467.650 44.440 0 14.182.487
LIQUID MILK (L) 2.479.070   2.479.070
    of which
            - fresh pasteurized milk 1.075.510   1.075.510
% fresh pasteurized milk on NATIONAL DELIVERIES (ND)   8%
            - UHT milk 1.403.560   1.403.560
% UHT milk on TOTAL AVAILABILITY (A)   10%
INDUSTRIAL PROCESSING (A - L) 10.913.113 467.650 44.440 0 11.425.203

Source Cow milk's deliveries: AGEA
Source Deliveries buffalo milk, goats milk and sheep milk: ISTAT;
Source Import/Export Bulk Milk(HS. 04011090+04012019+04012099): IHS
Source Liquid Milk: Eurostat
<< Year 2018 ITALY: Dairy products - Milk Equivalent (Tons) Year 2020 >>
2019 Ton Yield * Milk Equivalent
TOTAL production of cheese (Cod. Eurostat D7100) 1.327.300 9,19 12.201.302
I classification:
            PDO Cheeses 554.579 11,08 6.143.680
% milk used for PDO cheese on NATIONAL DELIVERIES (ND)   47,6%
            NOT PDO Cheeses 772.721 7,40 5.714.284
% milk used for NOT PDO cheese on TOTAL AVAILABILITY (A)   40,3%
II classification:
            Cheese from cows'milk (Cod. Eurostat D7121) 1.185.970 9,72 11.527.332
            Cheese from ewes milk (Cod. Eurostat D7122) 77.870 5,90 459.497
            Cheese from goats milk (Cod. Eurostat D7123) 7.420 9,53 70.676
            Cheese from buffalos'milk or mixed cheese (Cod. Eurostat D7129) 56.040 3,74 209.588
III classification:
            Soft cheese (Cod. Eurostat D7111 + D7112) 174.190 7,52 1.309.112
            Medium hard cheese (Cod. Eurostat D7113) 99.380 9,38 932.366
            Hard cheese (Cod. Eurostat D7114 + D7115) 487.880 12,62 6.158.722
            Fresh cheese (Cod. Eurostat D7116) 565.850 6,57 3.717.915
Production of Drinking milk (Cod. Eurostat D2100) 2.479.070 1,00 2.479.070
Production of Milk used to make yogurt (Cod. Eurostat D4100) 252.800 1,10 278.080
% Drinking milk + Milk used to make yogurt on TOTAL AVAILABILITY (A)   19,4%
* Volumes of milk necessary to obtain 1 kg of product - Source: Processed by CLAL
Source Total production of Cheese (PDO and NOT PDO): Eurostat
Source Tons of cheese from cow's milk, from ewe's milk, from goat's milk, from buffalo's milk : Eurostat (dataset: apro_mk_pobta)
Source Tons of Hard Cheese, Medium hard cheese, Soft cheese, Fresh cheese: Eurostat (dataset: apro_mk_pobta)
Source Tons of Drinking Milk and yogurt: Eurostat (dataset: apro_mk_pobta)
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