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* Imported volumes and values are derived from the main countries' exports to the main Crude Oil producers

Dairy export to the main Crude Oil producers

This page shows a summary (both annual basis and cumulative monthly) of the DAIRY IMPORTS* (Cheese, SMP, WMP Whey powder, Butter, condensed milk and liquid milk) of the main Oil producing countries.

Some suggestions to extract important information by interacting with the page:
  • click on the arrows to sort by descending Oil Exports or Dairy Imports* (first table)
  • click on the Countries to see the USD value of the Imports*
  • click on the imported* volumes to see the breakdown by product with the main Supplier
The GDP growth (annual %) of each Country complete the picture.

Click here to view the page with Crude Oil prices
Click here to view the page with the flow of total export to OPEC members
Click here to view the page with the annual growth rates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Click here to view the page with the annual growth rates of Consumer Price Index (CPI)

Dairy Import of main
NATURAL GAS producers

DAIRY IMPORT* of the main CRUDE OIL producers
(Tons of product)
Dairy products considered: cheese, SMP, WMP, butter, whey powder, condensed milk and liquid milk
Country GDP
(% on prev. year)
x 1000 barrels per year
± % on 1969 *
2023 2023 ± % on 2022
(e) = estimated data
Source GDP: IMF
      Crude Oil Export: OPEC
      Dairy Import: IHS
* Change from the same period of previous year