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World: Milk production and population

This page provides, in a given period of time, with the comparison between the quantities of milk produced in the world and the distribution of the population.

The reference countries are grouped according to the geographical logic of the continents and their internal divisions.

The first graph compares, by geographical area, the population share and the milk production share. The population and milk production data are then organized into tables, with the possibility of expanding the regions and consulting the data of the individual countries, and displayed in histograms.

N.B.: It is interesting to note that both the volumes of cow milk production and population have increased. The general growth of cow milk production (thanks also to the technology developments, sanitary controls, genetic research, nutrition...) goes along with a wealthier population.

The different proportion between milk output and population gives the opportunity to make some further remarks.

Examining the following chart it is possible to notice that:
  • There are geographical areas with a good standard of living (as for example the EU-27, Oceania, North America...) where production exceeds needed domestic demand, thus offering a wide range of dairy products for exports;
  • There are geographical areas that evidence shortage of milk and dairy products (such as Asia, Africa...), compared to population;
  • There are geographical areas showing an important production (for example Extra EU-27, South America) compared to population. However, the domestic income does not allow an adequate consumption of milk and dairy products.
Cow milk production in the World
(Tons x 1000)
Country 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023(e) ±% on 2022
Asia 137.977 144.253 154.798 163.997 170.459 185.217 195.050 199.838 209.786 +4,98%
European Union 146.201 147.709 148.814 151.273 152.581 154.495 153.994 154.264 155.137 +0,57%
North America 103.049 105.099 107.024 108.212 108.595 110.932 112.427 112.443 112.564 +0,11%
South Central America and Caribbean 83.672 81.096 81.751 83.338 84.662 86.969 87.045 87.044 87.515 +0,54%
Europe (Others - extra EU) 75.130 73.369 74.580 74.642 75.238 76.074 75.733 75.168 75.362 +0,26%
Asia - South East 46.826 45.819 45.627 44.647 46.042 48.695 51.231 53.708 55.982 +4,23%
Africa 34.965 35.775 35.802 36.209 39.197 41.053 41.926 42.451 42.094 -0,84%
Oceania 31.450 30.880 30.499 31.257 30.651 30.991 30.974 29.523 29.733 +0,71%
Asia - Middle East 11.968 12.320 13.018 12.974 13.285 14.538 15.091 14.587 14.729 +0,98%
World 671.238 676.319 691.915 706.550 720.709 748.966 763.470 769.025 782.902
± % on the previous year   +0,76 +2,31 +2,12 +2,00 +3,92 +1,94 +0,73 +1,80
Last update: 10-01-2025
(e): estimated data
Source: FAO
World population
(People x 1000)
Country 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ±% on 2022
Asia - South East 2.273.861 2.289.342 2.304.884 2.318.247 2.329.061 2.337.229 2.341.899 2.344.778 2.346.713 +0,08%
Asia 1.948.652 1.973.040 1.997.297 2.021.320 2.044.972 2.068.289 2.089.358 2.109.405 2.130.738 +1,01%
Africa 1.220.077 1.251.213 1.282.900 1.315.411 1.348.005 1.380.819 1.413.753 1.446.883 1.480.771 +2,34%
South Central America and Caribbean 620.033 625.913 631.567 637.006 642.186 646.720 650.451 654.357 658.880 +0,69%
European Union 442.911 443.988 444.656 445.287 446.136 447.016 445.873 445.837 448.803 +0,67%
North America 362.223 365.667 369.149 372.487 375.709 377.745 378.753 380.493 382.914 +0,64%
Europe (Others - extra EU) 309.272 310.188 310.940 311.355 311.527 311.229 310.467 307.508 304.659 -0,93%
Asia - Middle East 249.822 254.930 259.076 262.746 266.959 271.109 275.502 281.850 288.889 +2,50%
Oceania 40.616 41.346 42.095 42.818 43.506 44.081 44.559 45.047 45.565 +1,15%
World 7.467.467 7.555.627 7.642.564 7.726.677 7.808.061 7.884.237 7.950.615 8.016.158 8.087.932
±% on the previous year   +1,18 +1,15 +1,10 +1,05 +0,98 +0,84 +0,82 +0,90
Last update: 10-01-2025
Source: FAO, Eurostat
Processed by CLAL