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US: Lactose Stocks

This page provides, in the given period, with:

  • the comparison graph between Lactose Stocks, Production and Price (euro) in the U.S.;
  • a table containing Stocks figures, represented in pound unit.

Month 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± % from
January 100.648 131.419 170.499 165.641 104.058 -3,95% -37,18%
February 100.285 136.361 172.170 168.095 107.592 +3,40% -35,99%
March 100.557 129.184 175.082 168.417 111.994 +4,09% -33,50%
April 96.709 129.305 171.260 167.778 115.336 +2,98% -31,26%
May 96.765 133.453 171.682 170.086 118.631 +2,86% -30,25%
June 96.473 130.849 166.071 149.878 114.298 -3,65% -23,74%
July 97.687 134.768 168.474 145.153 118.415 +3,60% -18,42%
August 107.746 140.741 159.652 142.336 123.666 +4,43% -13,12%
September 105.022 149.292 160.455 129.374 120.465 -2,59% -6,89%
October 104.707 157.372 164.156 114.800 108.062 -10,30% -5,87%
November 111.833 153.908 171.585 110.264 111.906 +3,56% +1,49%
December 123.021 167.123 172.089 108.338 (p)105.123 -6,06% -2,97%
Average 103.454 141.148 168.598 145.013 113.296
Change¹ % -8,28% +36,43% +19,45% -13,99% -21,87%
Last Update:07-02-2025
1) change from the same period of previous year
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices
(p) = provisional value
Source: USDA
  min price
  max price