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Spot raw milk, the Netherlands

On this page, you will find the price data for spot raw milk, as recorded in the Netherlands.

The prices collected over the last ten weeks are listed in the table, while the graph to the side illustrates price trends over the last three years. Furthermore, time series are available for monthly average prices of last six years.

The graphs below gives us
  • a historical overview of spot raw milk prices in the Netherlands compared with the price trends of farm-gate milk in Germany;
  • a historical overview of spot raw milk prices in the Netherlands and in Italy (Milan) compared with the price trends of farm-gate milk in Italy (Lombardy).

Spot refers to the milk traded by Dutch traders. The volume traded refers to more or less 10% (depending on the season) of the Dutch production. The remaining volume is delivered to the Dutch cooperatives.
Source: DCA

At the moment this data is not available.