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Farm-gate milk prices, Poland

On this page, you will find the monthly average price data for farm-gate raw milk, as recorded in Poland.

The prices collected over the last three years are listed in the table, while the graphs below illustrate the price in € and in local currency. Furthermore, time series and the chart are available for monthly average prices, in local currency.

The comparison table and the graph gives you a historical overview of milk prices in the Poland compared with Germany.
ZÅ‚oty/Lt - € per 100 kg (VAT not included)
Month 2022
± on prev. mo.
± on 2023
± on prev. mo.
± on 2023
January 182,60 40,11 242,30 51,58 207,92 47,64 -2,97% -14,19% -3,67% -7,65%
February 184,70 40,60 227,90 48,06 206,11 47,65 -0,87% -9,56% +0,03% -0,86%
March 197,20 41,50 223,60 47,68 206,06 47,84 -0,02% -7,84% +0,41% +0,34%
April 209,90 45,15 216,80 46,80 204,68 47,57 -0,67% -5,59% -0,57% +1,64%
May 216,40 46,55 207,10 45,67 198,34 46,34 -3,10% -4,23% -2,60% +1,45%
June 228,70 49,21 192,54 43,15 196,47 45,47 -0,94% +2,04% -1,87% +5,37%
July 235,70 49,43 187,43 42,18 196,27 45,85 -0,10% +4,72% +0,83% +8,68%
August 240,30 50,88 185,96 41,70 203,30 47,39 +3,58% +9,32% +3,36% +13,63%
September 251,70 53,09 188,54 41,00 211,30 49,42 +3,94% +12,07% +4,28% +20,52%
October 263,30 54,81 197,85 43,88 223,00 51,66 +5,54% +12,71% +4,53% +17,73%
November 274,00 58,34 210,34 47,81 240,70 55,57 +7,94% +14,43% +7,57% +16,21%
December 277,90 59,34 214,29 49,45 263,40 61,68 +9,43% +22,92% +11,00% +24,73%
Gen - Dec 229,52 (2) 48,94 (2) 207,12 (2) 45,58 (2) 212,74 ** 49,42 **
Change (1) +46,6% +42,5% -9,8% -6,9% +2,4% +8,1%
Weighted Average 229,65 48,97 207,83 45,74
Change (1) +46,4% +42,3% -9,5% -6,6%
2) Weighted Average Prices
** The Arithmetic Average Yearly Price
1) Variation in percentage compared to the same period of the previous year.

Source: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, Departament Wspólnej Organizacji Rynków Rolnych
  min price
  max price
ZÅ‚oty/100 Kg
2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± on
January 93,98 149,49 139,47 139,18 149,30 182,60 242,30 207,92 -2,97% -14,19%
February 94,05 148,83 139,06 139,15 148,50 184,70 227,90 206,11 -0,87% -9,56%
March 94,53 147,58 139,24 137,98 151,00 197,20 223,60 206,06 -0,02% -7,84%
April 93,42 141,59 136,16 134,30 151,20 209,90 216,80 204,68 -0,67% -5,59%
May 92,71 137,78 135,25 133,10 151,10 216,40 207,10 198,34 -3,10% -4,23%
June 92,60 134,12 132,31 131,71 149,50 228,70 192,54 196,47 -0,94% +2,04%
July 91,95 132,77 131,05 132,89 149,00 235,70 187,43 196,27 -0,10% +4,72%
August 92,77 126,48 130,74 135,47 152,70 240,30 185,96 203,30 +3,58% +9,32%
September 94,42 124,64 132,38 140,26 153,60 251,70 188,54 211,30 +3,94% +12,07%
October 97,77 124,63 135,26 147,35 165,80 263,30 197,85 223,00 +5,54% +12,71%
November 105,25 124,76 140,62 155,43 177,40 274,00 210,34 240,70 +7,94% +14,43%
December 106,66 126,57 142,47 155,24 185,50 277,90 214,29 263,40 +9,43% +22,92%
AVG Weighted Price 95,55 134,80 136,12 139,93 156,82 229,65 207,83 212,74
Change (1) -3,6% +41,1% +1,0% +2,8% +12,1% +46,4% -9,5% +2,4%
Source: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2009, 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
** Avg Annual Price
  min price in the last 5 years
  max price in the last 5 years
€/100 kg POLAND
Farm-gate raw Milk(2)
Farm-gate raw Milk(2)

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 28,55 26,04 30,23 34,03 32,50 32,74 32,93 40,11 51,58 47,64 -3.67% -7.65% 43,92 +1.67% -22.85%
February 29,11 25,61 30,64 32,95 32,21 32,54 33,02 40,60 48,06 47,65 +0.03% -0.86% 44,22 +0.68% -15.72%
March 29,58 25,73 30,56 32,40 32,41 31,07 32,83 41,50 47,68 47,84 +0.41% +0.34% 44,67 +1.02% -7.09%
April 29,41 24,40 30,67 31,95 31,77 29,56 33,15 45,15 46,80 47,57 -0.57% +1.64% 44,79 +0.27% -0.80%
May 28,18 23,33 30,98 30,65 31,48 29,41 33,37 46,55 45,67 46,34 -2.60% +1.45% 45,08 +0.65% +4.04%
June 26,97 23,13 31,23 30,38 31,03 29,63 33,22 49,21 43,15 45,47 -1.87% +5.37% 45,53 +1.00% +9.68%
July 26,97 23,30 31,59 30,42 30,77 29,87 32,66 49,43 42,18 45,85 +0.83% +8.68% 46,29 +1.67% +14.10%
August 26,52 24,94 32,57 30,71 30,08 30,79 33,42 50,88 41,70 47,39 +3.36% +13.63% 47,30 +2.18% +17.11%
September 26,55 26,43 33,68 31,59 30,41 31,36 34,48 53,09 41,00 49,42 +4.28% +20.52% 48,72 +3.00% +20.42%
October 27,29 28,31 34,48 32,55 31,45 32,45 36,12 54,81 43,88 51,66 +4.53% +17.73% 50,87 +4.41% +23.11%
November 27,41 29,61 35,82 32,87 32,81 34,58 38,18 58,34 47,81 55,57 +7.57% +16.21% 52,41 +3.03% +24.11%
December 27,39 30,68 36,06 33,21 33,35 34,66 40,21 59,34 49,45 61,68 +11.00% +24.73% 53,40 (e) +1.89% +23.61%
Average Weighted Price 27,79 25,88 32,34 31,94 31,68 31,50 34,42 48,97 45,74 49,42
Change (1) - -6.87% +24.95% -1.23% -0.82% -0.57% +9.26% +42.28% -6.60% +8.05%
Avg Annual Price 27,83 25,96 32,38 31,98 31,69 31,56 34,47 49,08 45,75 49,50 47,27**
Change (1) - -6.72% +24.73% -1.24% -0.90% -0.42% +9.23% +42.41% -6.80% +8.21% +5.89%**
Source: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi
1) change from the same period of previous year
2) VAT not included
** Avg Annual Price
(e) = estimated price
  min price
  max price