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Italy: Asiago Cheese Production

This page provides, in a given period of time, data related to Italian production of Asiago cheese in both types: Asiago
  • Asiago pressato (fresh): aged for 20 days and wheel range from 11 kg to 15 kg;
    (organized by Provinces and Regions here);

  • Asiago d'allevo (mature): aged from 4 to 6 months ("mezzano"), to one year or longer (maximum 2 years) only for 8-12 kg per wheel cheese.
    (organized by Provinces and Regions here).
Production figures are represented on the two graphs at the bottom of the page.

The Asiago cheese is a high quality P.D.O. product.

Asiago cheese production area is located in the north east of Italy (Venetian Region and Trentino) and in particular in four provinces: the whole area of Vicenza and Trento and part of Padua and Treviso.

The milk collection and production areas is set by law.
Each wheel is numbered and its authenticity is guaranteed by a brand on the side of the wheel and by a certificate issued by "Consorzio di tutela per il formaggio Asiago". The number indicated on the wheel allows to find out the date of its production, the producing process characteristics and the name of the relevant milk producer.

The Asiago cheese is quoted weekly on the markets of Milan and Thiene.

Clic here to download the ASIAGO policy document (D.M. 03/08/2006 Gazzetta Ufficiale n.190 del 17/08/06)

Latterie Vicentine Latte Busche Latterie Venete Albiero Casearia Brazzale Caseificio Sociale Ponte di Barbarano Caseificio Sociale San Rocco Casearia Monti Trentini
Month 2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± % on
± % on
January 122.598 123.037 113.042 127.353 115.706 120.474 113.736 111.462 -2,0% -7,5%
February 117.504 110.849 108.760 114.066 110.599 109.668 98.747 105.496 +6,8% -3,8%
March 126.812 106.778 121.743 117.632 127.659 117.425 119.707 107.445 -10,2% -8,5%
April 117.609 116.997 123.662 127.868 120.558 123.108 110.950 107.730 -2,9% -12,5%
May 107.507 115.454 115.846 122.394 111.795 107.448 103.684 105.450 +1,7% -1,9%
June 115.385 105.680 94.312 112.819 99.957 89.519 85.346 100.301 +17,5% +12,0%
July 123.159 115.602 97.016 117.265 104.660 97.074 81.869 102.018 +24,6% +5,1%
August 114.457 100.209 114.389 101.126 103.749 112.037 105.698 99.365 -6,0% -11,3%
September 124.256 114.482 106.166 116.860 115.615 107.073 108.850 91.631 -15,8% -14,4%
October 142.471 127.149 126.172 130.521 118.133 115.533 118.546 124.490 +5,0% +7,8%
November 133.475 112.626 120.583 116.047 116.147 120.910 120.714 116.911 -3,2% -3,3%
December 124.281 107.269 101.902 123.505 123.372 120.064 117.705
Jan-Nov 1.345.233 1.248.863 1.241.691 1.303.951 1.244.578 1.220.269 1.167.847 1.172.299
% y-o-y ¹ +5,8% -7,2% -0,6% +5,0% -4,6% -2,0% -4,3% +0,4%
Total Year 1.469.514 1.356.132 1.343.593 1.427.456 1.367.950 1.340.333 1.285.552
% y-o-y ¹ +5,1% -7,7% -0,9% +6,2% -4,2% -2,0% -4,1%
Last Update: 30-12-2024
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2009, 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
Source: Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Asiago
Min Production in the last 5 years
Max Production in the last 5 years
Month 2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± % on
± % on
January 24.013 23.526 19.803 19.844 32.745 19.613 22.951 21.117 -8,0% +7,7%
February 22.730 24.993 19.718 23.779 30.194 19.307 22.862 20.924 -8,5% +8,4%
March 26.192 27.960 19.297 37.125 31.755 22.647 24.881 21.816 -12,3% -3,7%
April 26.689 24.667 19.976 36.754 24.784 18.319 23.957 20.672 -13,7% +12,8%
May 27.283 23.344 23.066 26.772 17.765 18.655 21.986 24.992 +13,7% +34,0%
June 25.474 21.243 18.258 27.096 18.738 12.607 20.586 22.692 +10,2% +80,0%
July 25.148 20.980 13.624 23.673 17.500 10.765 14.654 16.572 +13,1% +53,9%
August 24.853 18.419 13.675 19.254 15.924 9.651 15.439 13.366 -13,4% +38,5%
September 20.751 19.430 14.572 21.501 21.276 9.565 11.746 13.699 +16,6% +43,2%
October 19.281 19.995 18.260 20.290 27.131 10.868 14.180 12.417 -12,4% +14,3%
November 19.868 19.533 16.064 18.307 22.356 20.030 16.333 13.937 -14,7% -30,4%
December 25.398 25.976 19.133 31.973 22.771 19.663 21.441
Jan-Nov 262.282 244.090 196.313 274.395 260.168 172.027 209.575 202.204
% y-o-y ¹ -5,6% -6,9% -19,6% +39,8% -5,2% -33,9% +21,8% -3,5%
Total Year 287.680 270.066 215.446 306.368 282.939 191.690 231.016
% y-o-y ¹ -8,1% -6,1% -20,2% +42,2% -7,6% -32,3% +20,5%
Last Update: 30-12-2024
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2009, 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
Source: Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Asiago
Min Production in the last 5 years
Max Production in the last 5 years