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Italy: Montasio Cheese Production

Please find hereafter historical data related to Italian production quantities of Montasio cheese, a P.D.O. (Protected Designation of Origin) product .

Production figures are represented, in the given period, on the table and the graph here below.

Montasio cheese derives its name from the Montasio mountain range in the Friuli region of Italy. It was first made during the 13 century at a monastery in the Giulia Alps.

Today, Montasio is widely produced throughout the Friuli region, and it is made in compliance with strict requirements. The production area is limited to Friuli (north of Venice), in the provinces of Belluno and Treviso (East Veneto) and to some areas near Padua and Venice

The branding of the cheese with the trademark of the Consorzio per la Tutela del Formaggio Montasio (Consortium for the Protection of Montasio Cheese) guarantees its country origin, the high quality of the fresh raw milk as well as compliance with the original manufacture process .

Asiago is semi-hard, cooked cheese and is produced with fresh milk. It has a cylindrical shape in a range of 5/9 kg and the rind is 6 to 10 cm .

Its taste varies depending by the ripening period , from smooth to a mellow and aromatic.:

There are three types of Montasio:
  • Montasio Fresco (fresh), aged for 2 to 5 months;
  • Montasio Semistagionato o mezzano (middle) aged for 5 to 10 months;
  • Montasio Vecchio (mature) aged over 10 months
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Month 2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± % on
± % on
January 101.699 88.296 90.057 77.346 82.517 75.929 73.156 67.977 -7,1% -10,5%
February 91.547 83.391 79.255 70.969 73.068 62.667 68.322 66.691 -2,4% +6,4%
March 97.270 94.218 81.536 87.243 79.670 73.798 84.300 74.463 -11,7% +0,9%
April 89.547 85.114 83.335 94.585 78.859 71.365 82.621 73.321 -11,3% +2,7%
May 84.130 93.524 80.470 75.613 74.967 60.503 79.485 74.238 -6,6% +22,7%
June 73.968 64.459 56.347 78.802 66.242 60.525 60.075 65.539 +9,1% +8,3%
July 73.098 62.877 62.069 78.905 55.982 54.187 46.929 58.842 +25,4% +8,6%
August 70.511 60.590 55.176 67.728 51.720 54.615 48.821 48.383 -0,9% -11,4%
September 80.869 68.808 56.997 67.656 67.437 61.172 46.496 48.384 +4,1% -20,9%
October 91.382 81.191 58.444 73.214 69.903 63.507 57.495 59.793 +4,0% -5,8%
November 92.025 77.790 64.568 71.567 76.271 70.008 57.035
December 102.612 88.080 70.314 81.737 83.683 74.159 67.807
Jan-Oct 854.021 782.468 703.686 772.061 700.365 638.268 647.700 637.631
% y-o-y ¹ -0,5% -8,4% -10,1% +9,7% -9,3% -8,9% +1,5% -1,6%
Total Year 1.048.658 948.338 838.568 925.365 860.319 782.435 772.542
% y-o-y ¹ -1,1% -9,6% -11,6% +10,4% -7,0% -9,1% -1,3%
Last Update: 19-12-2024
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2009, 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
Source: Consorzio di Tutela del Formaggio Montasio
Min Production in the last 5 years
Max Production in the last 5 years