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Montasio, Italy (Pordenone - Udine)

This page contains the wholesale prices for the Italian cheese Montasio P.D.O. (Protected Designation of Origin), recorded by the Pordenone - Udine Chamber of Commerce with regard to the following varieties: In the tables are listed the last 10 prices recorded, while the graphs to the side illustrate price trends over the last three years.

Survey Date
€ per Kg
Min Max ± on prev. price
December 2024
9,00 9,20 0,00%
November 2024
9,00 9,20 +0,55%
October 2024
8,90 9,20 +0,56%
September 2024
8,90 9,10 +0,56%
August 2024
8,80 9,10 +0,56%
July 2024
8,80 9,00 +1,14%
June 2024
8,70 8,90 +1,15%
May 2024
8,60 8,80 0,00%
April 2024
8,60 8,80 0,00%
March 2024
8,60 8,80 0,00%
n.q.: not quoted price
Prices quoted are ex-dairy or ex-aging room, raw goods - excluding VAT.
This product is in accordance with the rules established by the Consortium for the Protection of the Montasio cheese.
It is, therefore, free from imperfections in its rind as well as in its flake.
Source: Pordenone - Udine Chamber of Commerce
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2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 6,55 5,63 6,20 6,20 6,45 8,80 8,70 0,00% -1,14%
February 6,55 5,63 6,20 6,20 6,65 8,80 8,70 0,00% -1,14%
March 6,55 5,63 6,20 6,20 6,95 8,80 8,70 0,00% -1,14%
April 6,55 5,68 6,20 6,15 7,15 8,80 8,70 0,00% -1,14%
May 6,55 5,68 6,20 6,15 7,25 8,80 8,70 0,00% -1,14%
June 6,55 5,70 6,20 6,15 7,55 8,80 8,80 +1,15% 0,00%
July 6,55 5,70 6,20 6,15 7,90 8,80 8,90 +1,14% +1,14%
August 6,45 5,70 6,20 6,15 8,10 8,80 8,95 +0,56% +1,70%
September 6,45 5,90 6,20 6,15 8,50 8,70 9,00 +0,56% +3,45%
October 6,45 6,10 6,20 6,15 8,70 8,70 9,05 +0,56% +4,02%
November 6,45 6,10 n.q. 6,45 8,80 8,70 9,10 +0,55% +4,60%
December 6,45 6,10 6,20 6,45 8,80 8,70 9,10 0,00% +4,60%
Jan - Dec 6,51 5,79 6,20 6,21 7,73 8,77 8,87
Change (1) - -10,98% +7,01% +0,20% +24,48% +13,36% +1,14%
Pordenone - Udine Chamber of Commerce
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices.
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for year 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
  min price
max price
Survey Date
€ per Kg
Min Max ± on prev. price
December 2024
10,00 10,20 0,00%
November 2024
10,00 10,20 0,00%
October 2024
10,00 10,20 0,00%
September 2024
10,00 10,20 +1,51%
August 2024
9,90 10,00 0,00%
July 2024
9,90 10,00 +1,02%
June 2024
9,80 9,90 0,00%
May 2024
9,80 9,90 0,00%
April 2024
9,80 9,90 0,00%
March 2024
9,80 9,90 0,00%
n.q.: not quoted price
Prices quoted are ex-dairy or ex-aging room, raw goods - excluding VAT.
This product is in accordance with the rules established by the Consortium for the Protection of the Montasio cheese.
It is, therefore, free from imperfections in its rind as well as in its flake.
Source: Pordenone - Udine Chamber of Commerce


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 6,95 7,35 7,35 7,55 9,85 9,85 0,00% 0,00%
February 6,95 7,35 7,35 7,75 9,85 9,85 0,00% 0,00%
March 6,95 7,35 7,35 7,95 9,85 9,85 0,00% 0,00%
April 7,00 7,35 7,35 8,15 9,85 9,85 0,00% 0,00%
May 7,00 7,35 7,35 8,35 9,85 9,85 0,00% 0,00%
June 7,00 7,35 7,35 8,65 9,85 9,85 0,00% 0,00%
July 7,00 7,35 7,35 8,95 9,85 9,95 +1,02% +1,02%
August 7,00 7,35 7,35 9,15 9,85 9,95 0,00% +1,02%
September 7,13 7,35 7,35 9,55 9,85 10,10 +1,51% +2,54%
October 7,25 7,35 7,35 9,75 9,85 10,10 0,00% +2,54%
November 7,25 n.q. 7,55 9,85 9,85 10,10 0,00% +2,54%
December 7,25 7,35 7,55 9,85 9,85 10,10 0,00% +2,54%
Jan - Dec 7,06 7,35 7,38 8,79 9,85 9,95
Change (1) - +4,10% +0,45% +19,07% +12,04% +1,02%
Pordenone - Udine Chamber of Commerce
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices.
1) change from the same period of previous year
  min price
max price
Survey Date
€ per Kg
Min Max ± on prev. price
December 2024
11,00 11,20 0,00%
November 2024
11,00 11,20 0,00%
October 2024
11,00 11,20 0,00%
September 2024
11,00 11,20 +1,37%
August 2024
10,90 11,00 0,00%
July 2024
10,90 11,00 +0,92%
June 2024
10,80 10,90 0,00%
May 2024
10,80 10,90 0,00%
April 2024
10,80 10,90 0,00%
March 2024
10,80 10,90 0,00%
n.q.: not quoted price
Prices quoted are ex-dairy or ex-aging room, raw goods - excluding VAT.
This product is in accordance with the rules established by the Consortium for the Protection of the Montasio cheese.
It is, therefore, free from imperfections in its rind as well as in its flake.
¹For further security measures, the Consortium controls that each wheel of Montasio carries its brand.
Source: Pordenone - Udine Chamber of Commerce


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 7,70 8,35 8,35 8,55 10,85 10,85 0,00% 0,00%
February 7,70 8,35 8,35 8,75 10,85 10,85 0,00% 0,00%
March 7,70 8,35 8,35 8,95 10,85 10,85 0,00% 0,00%
April 7,70 8,35 8,35 9,15 10,85 10,85 0,00% 0,00%
May 7,70 8,35 8,35 9,80 10,85 10,85 0,00% 0,00%
June 7,70 8,35 8,35 9,65 10,85 10,85 0,00% 0,00%
July 7,70 8,35 8,35 9,95 10,85 10,95 +0,92% +0,92%
August 7,70 8,35 8,35 10,15 10,85 10,95 0,00% +0,92%
September 8,13 8,35 8,35 10,90 10,85 11,10 +1,37% +2,30%
October 8,25 8,35 8,35 10,75 10,85 11,10 0,00% +2,30%
November 8,25 n.q. 8,55 10,85 10,85 11,10 0,00% +2,30%
December 8,25 8,35 8,55 10,85 10,85 11,10 0,00% +2,30%
Jan - Dec 7,87 8,35 8,38 9,86 10,85 10,95
Change (1) - +6,06% +0,40% +17,59% +10,06% +0,92%
Pordenone - Udine Chamber of Commerce
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices.
1) change from the same period of previous year
  min price
max price
Survey Date
€ per Kg
Min Max ± on prev. price
December 2024
11,20 11,40 0,00%
November 2024
11,20 11,40 0,00%
October 2024
11,20 11,40 0,00%
September 2024
11,20 11,40 +9,71%
August 2024
10,20 10,40 0,00%
July 2024
10,20 10,40 +0,98%
June 2024
10,10 10,30 0,00%
May 2024
10,10 10,30 0,00%
April 2024
10,10 10,30 0,00%
March 2024
10,10 10,30 0,00%
n.q.: not quoted price
Prices quoted are ex-dairy or ex-aging room, raw goods - excluding VAT.
This product is in accordance with the rules established by the Consortium for the Protection of the Montasio cheese.
It is, therefore, free from imperfections in its rind as well as in its flake.
Source: Pordenone - Udine Chamber of Commerce


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 7,90 8,10 8,10 8,20 10,20 10,20 0,00% 0,00%
February 7,90 8,10 8,10 8,40 10,20 10,20 0,00% 0,00%
March 7,90 8,10 8,10 8,40 10,20 10,20 0,00% 0,00%
April 7,90 8,10 8,10 8,60 10,20 10,20 0,00% 0,00%
May 7,90 8,10 8,10 8,75 10,20 10,20 0,00% 0,00%
June 7,90 8,10 8,10 9,10 10,20 10,20 0,00% 0,00%
July 7,90 8,10 8,10 9,30 10,20 10,30 +0,98% +0,98%
August 7,90 8,10 8,10 9,50 10,20 10,30 0,00% +0,98%
September 7,90 8,10 8,10 9,90 10,20 11,30 +9,71% +10,78%
October 8,00 8,10 8,10 10,10 10,20 11,30 0,00% +10,78%
November 8,00 n.q. 8,20 10,20 10,20 11,30 0,00% +10,78%
December 8,00 8,10 8,20 10,20 10,20 11,30 0,00% +10,78%
Jan - Dec 7,93 8,10 8,12 9,22 10,20 10,58
Change (1) - +2,21% +0,21% +13,60% +10,62% +3,76%
Pordenone - Udine Chamber of Commerce
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices.
1) change from the same period of previous year
  min price
max price