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US: Cheese Stocks

This page contains:

  • a chart illustrating monthly cheese stock level over the last three years.

  • a table showing an overview of monthly cheese stock level, expressed in pounds, over a given period.

  • a chart comparing data for monthly cheese stock level and monthly cheese production in US ;

  • a comparison graph showing the monthly cheese stock level in relation with the monthly cheese production and the wholesale market price trends, as recorded by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), over a given time period;

Visit the page: Cheese Production - US
Mese 2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± 2023
January 882.376 1.014.306 1.369.236 1.353.618 1.408.243 1.445.090 1.446.501 1.456.506 +1,0% +0,7%
February 892.541 1.010.132 1.366.937 1.362.091 1.436.246 1.466.985 1.438.122 1.458.258 +0,1% +1,4%
March 915.189 1.018.290 1.384.366 1.374.507 1.468.976 1.465.825 1.460.381 1.454.125 -0,3% -0,4%
April 938.914 1.037.586 1.397.974 1.478.640 1.448.762 1.480.872 1.468.499 1.443.405 -0,7% -1,7%
May 970.320 1.065.540 1.385.616 1.454.505 1.458.368 1.512.915 1.497.820 1.434.458 -0,6% -4,2%
June 987.399 1.055.442 1.380.784 1.415.905 1.435.146 1.506.266 1.510.341 1.417.098 -1,2% -6,2%
July 1.000.171 1.054.892 1.360.510 1.391.664 1.449.523 1.521.797 1.492.841 1.403.420 -1,0% -6,0%
August 997.620 1.041.408 1.364.830 1.373.349 1.432.852 1.481.468 1.495.372 1.393.731 -0,7% -6,8%
September 983.941 1.013.782 1.373.856 1.353.990 1.457.850 1.469.792 1.483.634 1.368.960 -1,8% -7,7%
October 969.185 995.666 1.341.695 1.341.428 1.448.595 1.448.071 1.458.691 1.347.764 -1,5% -7,6%
November 961.745 1.017.181 1.322.482 1.348.101 1.422.271 1.430.970 1.438.263 1.332.299 -1,1% -7,4%
December 966.758 1.017.936 1.322.014 1.396.311 1.441.631 1.445.133 1.442.413 1.355.289(p) +1,7% -6,0%
Average 955.513 1.028.513 1.364.192 1.387.009 1.442.372 1.472.932 1.469.406 1.405.443
Variation1 % +22,8% +7,6% +32,6% +1,7% +4,0% +2,1% -0,2% -4,4%
Last Update: : 25-01-2025
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2009, 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
*: Conversion ratio: 1 Kg = 2.2046 lb
(p) = provisional value
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service