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US: Cheese Production

This page contains:

  • a chart illustrating production trends over the last three years.
  • a table giving us an overview of monthly production, expressed in pounds, over a given period.
  • a chart comparing data for annual cheese production in the US and wholesale market price trends, as recorded by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and converted into Euros, over a given time period;
  • two graphs showing the annual and the cumulative monthly Cheese production trend in the EU-28 and U.S.


We highlight the situation in the US for a number of reasons:
  1. more than 25% of the world's cheese production is located in the United States and the industry is enjoying continuous growth;
  2. with more milk available than anywhere else in the world (and therefore a guaranteed constant supply throughout the year) and thanks to considerable investment in research and development, the US cheese industry is able to cope with the growing demand from both the national and international markets;
  3. an appetite for new product varieties allows the American industry greater market share with more than 400 types of cheese. This selection ranges from the more common varieties (Mozzarella, Cheddar, Cream Cheese) to the most famous original American cheese, Monterey Jack.
Cheese production is concentrated in the following areas of the US:
  • Wisconsin is the largest producer, representing more than 25 percent of domestic production,
  • Northeastern States, California and the Northwest (Washington and Idaho),
  • finally, in the South, Texas and New Mexico, with the brand new Clovis site, North America's largest cheddar cheese production plant.

(May 2010)
Visit the page: Cheese Stocks - US
Month 2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± % on
± % on
January 823.902 962.429 1.116.768 1.123.720 1.142.952 1.182.183 1.222.785 1.200.917 -1,8% +1,6%
February 764.913 859.444 1.003.603 1.032.048 1.046.237 1.094.459 1.116.128 1.139.985 +2,1% +4,2%
March 866.838 976.029 1.121.984 1.120.290 1.181.072 1.233.759 1.224.820 1.223.777 -0,1% -0,8%
April 844.089 967.274 1.084.774 1.050.274 1.153.280 1.176.234 1.165.123 1.188.261 +2,0% +1,0%
May 852.267 977.216 1.105.607 1.099.121 1.163.075 1.206.490 1.204.162 1.210.254 +0,5% +0,3%
June 834.209 951.043 1.069.260 1.119.446 1.126.512 1.168.340 1.178.410 1.159.745 -1,6% -0,7%
July 838.805 964.954 1.087.613 1.109.383 1.145.473 1.172.601 1.168.945 1.190.766(p) +1,9% +1,5%
August 846.589 935.640 1.113.496 1.089.981 1.147.331 1.148.642 1.177.853
September 840.824 942.960 1.080.527 1.103.227 1.133.017 1.153.165 1.159.521
October 861.440 987.792 1.137.950 1.135.621 1.170.740 1.188.281 1.214.264
November 837.973 965.211 1.093.182 1.101.813 1.150.063 1.158.392 1.171.266
December 862.350 1.022.113 1.122.522 1.154.716 1.201.275 1.201.936 1.207.714
Jan-Jul 5.825.023 6.658.389 7.589.609 7.654.282 7.958.601 8.234.066 8.280.373 8.313.705
% y-o-y ¹ +12,8% +14,3% +14,0% +0,9% +4,0% +3,5% +0,6% +0,4%
Total Year 10.074.199 11.512.105 13.137.286 13.239.640 13.761.027 14.084.482 14.210.991
% y-o-y ¹ +13,5% +14,3% +14,1% +0,8% +3,9% +2,4% +0,9%
Last Update: 07-09-2024
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2009, 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
*: Conversion ratio: 1 Kg = 2.2046 lb
(p) = provisional
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service
Min Production in the last 5 years
Max Production in the last 5 years
Click here to view the PRICE trend.