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Germany: milk price - simulations and issues

The farmgate milk in Germany has registred in the past ten years several price fluctuations.

Such changes of farmgate milk price in Germany may depend on: The simulation graph hereafter evidences that final minimum and maximum pay-out farmgate milk price may be composed of the mix of the aboved mentioned factors:
Another consideration may be added should we consider the mix of different use of milk, dairy wholesale prices and milk yield. The result is shown in the graph simulation hereafter:
  • milk price calculated from powder and butter;
  • milk price calculated from the Edamer processing;
These simulations compared with farm gate milk price in Germany may show potential influence of the powder price on milk and dairy products prices.
Since January 2010 Fat content, to which Germany farm-gate milk price refers, has increased from 3,70 % to 4,00 %.

Returns derived from SMP + Butter processing are based on the following assumptions:
Returns derived from Edamer cheese processing are based on the following assumptions:
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Clal recommend that if any action is considered due to information produced by the system, before any action is taken, all prices, assumptions, and other information required is checked with an appropriate person qualified to give advice.