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Emilia-Romagna map


produces 16% of Italian milk (Jan 2024)

Emilia Romagna's Milk Deliveries
Year Deliveries (tons) ±% on prev. year
2022 2.086.771 -0,47%
2023 2.074.725 -0,58%
January 2024 180.978 +0,44% *
* Variation % January 2024 on January 2023
PDO Cheese production in Emilia Romagna (2022)
PDO Cheese Production (tons) Milk used (tons)
Parmigiano Reggiano 142.973 1.815.726
Grana Padano 22.568 308.309
Squacquerone di Romagna 1.930 10.150
TOTAL 167.470 2.134.185
Emilia Romagna's Milk Deliveries 2.086.771
The quantity of Milk used in PDO Cheese making was calculated using the average weight of a wheel and the average yield of each cheese.

The quantity of milk used in PDO Cheeses produced in Emilia-Romagna is greater than the total deliveries of milk in the region because some dairies in Mantua (Lombardy region) deliver a consistent amount of milk to cheese factories in Emilia.