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Veneto map


produces 9% of the Italian milk (Jan 2024)

Veneto's Milk Deliveries
Year Deliveries (tons) ±% on prev. year
2022 1.195.336 -1,87%
2023 1.201.817 +0,54%
January 2024 105.570 +0,97% *
* Variation % January 2024 on January 2023
PDO Cheese production in Veneto (2021)
PDO Cheese Production (tons) Milk used (tons) % on Veneto's total Deliveries
Grana Padano 22.078 301.222 24,73%
Asiago Pressato 16.744 152.282 12,50%
Provolone Valpadana 2.601 24.887 2,04%
Asiago d'Allevo 2.603 23.669 1,94%
Piave 1.802 18.557 1,52%
Monte Veronese 782 9.131 0,75%
Casatella Trevigiana 403 2.277 0,19%
TOTAL 47.012 532.025 43,67%
Veneto's Milk Deliveries 1.218.161  
The quantity of Milk used in PDO Cheese making was calculated using the average weight of a wheel and the average yield of each cheese.