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Farm-gate milk prices, China

On this page, you will find the monthly average price data for farm-gate raw milk, as recorded in China.

The prices collected are listed in the table, while the graphs below illustrates price trends in € and in local currency. Furthermore, time series and the chart are available for monthly average prices, in local currency.

The comparison table and the graph gives you a historical overview of milk prices in the Cina compared with Usa, EU-28 and New Zealand.
Monthly average prices of farm-gate milk
CNY/100 kg - € per 100 kg
Avg Annual Price
Change (1)
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
( CNY )
± on 2023
( CNY )
± on prev.
( € )
± on 2023
( € )
262 28,89 268 27,51 318 36,07 326 40,02 340 41,11 423 51,38 356 49,26 356 49,86 354 48,37 350 44,64 361 46,58 384 49,98 423 53,73 426 59,23 411 56,17 365 46,67 -0,54% -11,19% -0,97% -16,90%
257 29,40 273 29,21 320 35,62 328 39,37 342 41,07 426 51,23 344 48,48 356 49,00 354 48,40 348 44,58 362 47,33 382 50,06 428 54,78 426 59,20 405 55,29 363 46,75 -0,55% -10,37% +0,16% -15,46%
249 27,95 274 29,57 320 34,84 328 39,36 342 42,43 423 49,59 342 50,57 354 49,02 353 47,90 347 44,50 359 47,32 376 48,41 429 55,38 420 60,07 399 54,03 355 45,34 -2,20% -10,98% -3,01% -16,09%
243 27,07 279 30,49 320 33,94 327 39,41 343 42,57 421 48,96 340 50,85 347 47,24 350 47,37 345 44,60 355 47,03 361 46,97 426 54,58 418 60,05 393 52,01 347 44,68 -2,25% -11,70% -1,45% -14,09%
237 25,35 282 32,87 319 34,23 327 40,47 345 43,28 416 48,57 340 49,16 346 46,84 345 45,32 342 45,42 353 46,00 356 45,95 423 54,15 416 58,73 388 51,09 339 43,35 -2,31% -12,63% -2,99% -15,16%
232 24,23 286 34,36 320 34,35 327 41,04 350 43,26 408 48,20 341 49,00 342 46,20 342 44,73 339 44,89 355 45,55 358 44,90 427 55,17 413 58,39 382 49,19 330 42,28 -2,65% -13,61% -2,46% -14,05%
232 24,13 289 33,40 319 34,63 327 41,77 355 44,25 400 47,65 341 49,95 340 46,00 341 43,74 337 42,93 359 46,53 361 44,93 431 56,31 412 60,11 376 47,27 324 41,14 -1,82% -13,77% -2,69% -12,97%
231 23,68 293 33,48 319 34,72 327 41,46 361 44,28 395 48,19 341 48,28 339 45,48 341 43,30 338 42,74 365 46,45 371 45,27 437 57,32 412 59,81 376 47,54 321 40,72 -0,93% -14,63% -1,02% -14,33%
236 23,76 298 33,82 320 36,37 328 40,36 370 45,23 392 49,49 344 48,14 344 45,98 346 44,21 345 43,16 371 47,37 384 47,89 434 57,10 413 59,42 373 47,87 315 40,07 -1,87% -15,61% -1,60% -16,30%
243 24,03 302 32,59 322 36,89 331 40,67 381 45,78 390 50,24 347 48,64 345 46,50 348 44,68 351 44,16 378 48,19 395 49,86 431 57,85 414 58,57 373 48,28 313 40,50 -0,63% -16,03% +1,08% -16,11%
252 24,75 307 33,78 323 37,50 334 41,75 398 48,41 384 50,25 350 51,17 347 46,97 350 45,03 355 45,01 383 49,37 402 51,44 430 58,96 414 56,58 371 47,51 312 40,72 -0,32% -15,90% +0,54% -14,28%
260 26,06 313 35,65 325 38,89 338 41,32 412 49,43 379 49,65 354 50,43 352 48,20 352 45,09 358 45,66 384 49,25 414 52,01 431 59,87 412 55,78 367 47,13 311 40,76 -0,32% -15,26% +0,10% -13,51%
245 25,78 289 32,23 320 35,67 329 40,58 362 44,26 405 49,45 345 49,49 347 47,27 348 45,68 346 44,36 365 47,25 379 48,14 429 56,27 416 58,83 384 50,28 333 42,75
    +18,1% +25,0% +11,0% +10,7% +2,7% +13,8% +9,9% +9,1% +11,9% +11,7% -14,8% +0,1% +0,7% -4,5% +0,2% -3,4% -0,5% -2,9% +5,5% +6,5% +3,6% +1,9% +13,3% +16,9% -3,0% +4,6% -7,7% -14,5% -13,4% -15,0%
(e) = estimated price
Conversion in € is calculated using the average exchange rate of the reference month.
NOTE: The prices are the average of 10 main producing provinces or autonomous regions(Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Shandong, Henan, Shaanxi, Ningxia and Xinjiang)
1) change from the same period of previous year
Source: NBS; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, PRC (MOA)
ï¿¥/100 Kg
2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± on
January 2621 4231 361 384 423 426 411 365 -0,54% -11,19%
February 2571 4261 362 382 428 426 405 363 -0,55% -10,37%
March 2491 4231 359 376 429 420 399 355 -2,20% -10,98%
April 2431 4211 355 361 426 418 393 347 -2,25% -11,70%
May 2371 4161 353 356 423 416 388 339 -2,31% -12,63%
June 2321 4081 355 358 427 413 382 330 -2,65% -13,61%
July 2321 4001 359 361 431 412 376 324 -1,82% -13,77%
August 2311 3951 365 371 437 412 376 321 -0,93% -14,63%
September 2361 3921 371 384 434 413 373 315 -1,87% -15,61%
October 2431 3901 378 395 431 414 373 313 -0,63% -16,03%
November 2521 3841 383 402 430 414 371 312 -0,32% -15,90%
December 2601 3791 384 414 431 412 367 311 -0,32% -15,26%
Media Aritmetica 245 405 365 379 429 416 384 333
Change (1) +65,5% -9,7% +3,6% +13,3% -3,0% -7,7% -13,4%
Source: NBS; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, PRC (MOA)
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
  min price in the last 5 years
  max price in the last 5 years
€/100 kg CHINA
Farm-gate raw Milk
Farm-gate raw Milk*(2)

Farm-gate raw Milk
Farm-gate raw Milk price*(2)
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023 2025 % on prev. month % on 2024 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 44,64 46,58 49,98 53,73 59,23 56,17 46,67 -0.97% -16.90% 40,64 -1.49% -13.32% 54,30 -0.42% +16.90% 33,54 +3.30% -12.52%
February 44,58 47,33 50,06 54,78 59,20 55,29 46,75 +0.16% -15.46% 42,07 +3.54% -4.45% 33,65 +0.33% -11.36%
March 44,50 47,32 48,41 55,38 60,07 54,03 45,34 -3.01% -16.09% 41,97 -0.23% -2.94% 33,17 -1.43% -9.33%
April 44,60 47,03 46,97 54,58 60,05 52,01 44,68 -1.45% -14.09% 42,13 +0.37% +1.74% 32,95 -0.66% -6.55%
May 45,42 46,00 45,95 54,15 58,73 51,09 43,35 -2.99% -15.16% 44,86 +6.48% +15.81% 33,27 +0.97% -6.70%
June 44,89 45,55 44,90 55,17 58,39 49,19 42,28 -2.46% -14.05% 46,72 +4.15% +29.05% 34,67 +4.21% +0.85%
July 42,93 46,53 44,93 56,31 60,11 47,27 41,14 -2.69% -12.97% 46,35 -0.78% +34.39% 35,92 +3.61% +24.33%
August 42,74 46,45 45,27 57,32 59,81 47,54 40,72 -1.02% -14.33% 47,18 +1.79% +19.11% 37,77 +5.15% +33.98%
September 43,16 47,37 47,89 57,10 59,42 47,87 40,07 -1.60% -16.30% 50,62 +7.29% +17.37% 38,33 +1.48% +25.30%
October 44,16 48,19 49,86 57,85 58,57 48,28 40,50 +1.08% -16.11% 50,95 +0.65% +13.54% 40,30 +5.14% +31.06%
November 45,01 49,37 51,44 58,96 56,58 47,51 40,72 +0.54% -14.28% 50,19 -1.49% +13.99% 42,30 +4.96% +33.78%
December 45,66 49,25 52,01 59,87 55,78 47,13 40,76 +0.10% -13.51% 49,02 (p) -2.33% +18.84% 41,72 -1.37% +28.49%
Jan-Dec 44,36 47,25 48,14 56,27 58,83 50,28 42,75
Change (1) - +6.51% +1.89% +16.89% +4.55% -14.53% -14.98%
Avg Annual Price 44,36 47,25 48,14 56,27 58,83 50,28 42,75 46,06 54,30 36,47
Change (1) - +6.51% +1.89% +16.89% +4.55% -14.53% -14.98% +11.01% +16.90%** +9.21%**
Source: NBS; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, PRC (MOA)
1) change from the same period of previous year
2) VAT not included
(p) = provisional price
*US: m.g. 3,7% p.p. media
EU-27: Weighted average, excl. VAT, incl quality
*NZ: Data based on payout forecast, adjusted for 4.2% fat and 3.4% protein.
  min price
  max price
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Clal recommend that if any action is considered due to information produced by the system, before any action is taken, all prices, assumptions, and other information required is checked with an appropriate person qualified to give advice.