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Raw Milk prices average, India

This page lists the average monthly prices of dairy products, recorded in India.

In the table are listed the prices in the last three years, while the charts show the prices trend in the same time period. the prices are expressed in € and in the local currency.

In the following graphs are listed:
  • the comparison between the prices in local currency and Euro.
  • the comparison between the prices of dairy products in time.

Check the Payout for more information about this product >

India, with an agricultural area that barely surpasses that of EU-27, faced the challenge of feeding over one billion four hundred thousand people by increasing its agri-food production.

During this process, India became the World Largest producer of Milk (cow + buffalo), thanks to its exceptional cooperation-based model.

This interesting challenge led us to outline the contours of this country’s dairy, meat and animal feed markets and left us with the question: what does India need in order to become a major exporter of dairy products?

Discover the new analysis on India >

INR/L - €/L
Month 2022
± on prev. mo.
± on 2023
± on prev. mo.
± on 2023
January 43,00 0,51 56,60 0,64 45,00 0,50 -1,10% -20,49% -0,92% -22,68%
February 45,80 0,54 58,60 0,66 44,00 0,49 -2,22% -24,91% -1,05% -25,80%
March 51,40 0,61 58,00 0,66 44,00 0,49 0,00% -24,14% -0,77% -25,93%
April 52,80 0,64 58,40 0,65 49,00 0,55 +11,36% -16,10% +12,34% -15,66%
May 53,20 0,65 55,00 0,61 54,30 0,60 +10,82% -1,27% +9,97% -2,02%
June 54,00 0,65 56,00 0,63 56,50 0,63 +4,05% +0,89% +4,45% +0,11%
July 54,50 0,67 55,00 0,61 55,00 0,61 -2,65% 0,00% -3,56% +0,20%
August 57,40 0,71 53,00 0,59
September 56,60 0,71 51,00 0,57
October 56,50 0,70 50,50 0,57
November 56,20 0,67 45,50 0,51
December 56,50 0,65 45,50 0,50
Gen - Jul 50,67 0,61 56,80 0,64 49,69 0,55
Variazione (1) +22,4% +30,5% +12,1% +4,2% -12,5% -13,4%
Average 53,16 0,64 53,59 0,60
Variazione(1) +26,9% +34,4% +0,8% -6,7%
1) Variation in percentage compared to the same period of the previous year.

Source: Indian Dairy Association


2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 35,10 48,40 39,40 43,00 56,60 45,00 -1,10% -20,49%
February 32,50 43,70 43,80 45,80 58,60 44,00 -2,22% -24,91%
March 31,40 41,10 45,50 51,40 58,00 44,00 0,00% -24,14%
April 35,00 30,20 39,30 52,80 58,40 49,00 +11,36% -16,10%
May 39,90 34,00 34,20 53,20 55,00 54,30 +10,82% -1,27%
June 43,80 33,50 43,00 54,00 56,00 56,50 +4,05% +0,89%
July 44,40 35,80 44,60 54,50 55,00 55,00 -2,65% 0,00%
August 45,80 38,10 43,10 57,40 53,00
September 46,90 40,00 42,90 56,60 51,00
October 42,60 37,30 41,00 56,50 50,50
November 45,70 39,60 43,00 56,20 45,50
December 45,60 38,10 42,70 56,50 45,50
Jan - Jul 37,44 38,10 41,40 50,67 56,80 49,69
Change (1) - +1,76% +8,66% +22,39% +12,09% -12,53%
Jan - Dec 40,73 38,32 41,88 53,16 53,59
Change (1) - -5,91% +9,29% +26,95% +0,82%
Source: Indian Dairy Association
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices.
1) change from the same period of previous year
  min price
max price