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GlobalDairyTrade: Contract Period and market price comparison (USD)

This page provides, in the given period, with the GlobalDairyTrade results with regard to the sales of Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP), Whole Milk Powder (WMP) and Anhydrous Milk Fat (AMF), in comparison with the marketprice of the products quoted the GDT's day on Kempten marketplace [SMP-ADPI Extra, WMP and Markenbutter (converted into 99% fat)] and Oceania (Anhydrous Milk Fat - AMF).

Until 2012 April, 17th during the g/DT, quantities offered and prices referred to 4 different contract periods where shipment periods change as regards to the month of the Trading Event (X), in particular:
Contract Period 1: will ship from the specified shipment locations during the first month after the month that the g/DT was held (X+1);
Contract Period 2: will ship from the specified shipment locations during the second month after the month that the g/DT was held (X+2);
Contract Period 3: will ship from the specified shipment locations during the 3rd, 4th and 5th months after the month that the g/DT was held (X+3, X+4, X+5);
Contract Period 4: will ship from the specified shipment locations during the 6th, 7th and 8th months after the month that the g/DT was held (X+6, X+7, X+8).


From 2012 May 1st the Contract Period is the month on which the product purchased on the platform will be shipped from the specified shipment locations. Contract periods offered at trading events are as follows:
Contract Period 1: will ship during the first month after the month that the g/DT was held (X+1);
Contract Period 2: will ship during the second month after the month that the g/DT was held (X+2);
Contract Period 3: will ship during the third month after the month that the g/DT was held (X+3);
Contract Period 4: will ship during the fourth month after the month that the g/DT was held (X+4);
Contract Period 5: will ship during the fifth month after the month that the g/DT was held (X+5);
Contract Period 6: will ship during the sixth month after the month that the g/DT was held (X+6).


Graphs in EURO