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ITALY: Milk Balance of self-sufficiency 2015

Years: 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


Year summary 2015 Tons
Milk Deliveries ** (C) 11.788.315
Import in Milk Equivalent (I) 7.702.737
Export in Milk Equivalent (E) 3.644.195
% Self-sufficiency Milk = C/(C+I-E) 74,39%
<< Year 2014 ITALY: Calculation of the rate of self-sufficiency milk Year 2016 >>
2015 Customs Code Ton Yield * Milk Equivalent
Milk Deliveries ** (C) 11.788.315
Liquid milk 040110+040120 2.017.239 1,00 2.017.239
Cream 040140+040150 88.926 0 0
Cheese 0406 510.850 8,50 4.340.275
Yogurt 0403 240.310 1,10 264.338
Butter 0405 73.939 0 0
                - SMP 040210 78.311 10,72 839.348
                - WMP 040221 - 040229 25.327 7,81 197.865
                - Condensed Milk 040291 - 040299 15.766 2,77 43.672
Import in Milk Equivalent (I) 7.702.737
Liquid milk 040110+040120 43.704 1,00 43.704
Cream 040140+040150 7.889 0 0
Cheese 0406 357.700 9,61 3.436.615
        of which
                - Grana Padano + Parmigiano Reggiano 04069061 86.108 13,71 1.180.532
                - Gorgonzola 04064050 18.590 8,58 159.521
                - Asiago + Montasio + Caciocavallo + Ragusano 04069075 1.994 9,43 18.799
                - Provolone (PDO and NOT PDO) 04069073 5.519 9,80 54.089
Yogurt 0403 6.370 1,10 7.007
Butter 0405 9.435 0 0
                - SMP 040210 11.666 10,72 125.038
                - WMP 040221 - 040229 1.322 7,81 10.327
                - Condensed Milk 040291 - 040299 7.763 2,77 21.504
Export in Milk Equivalent (E) 3.644.195
Calculated consumption in Milk Equivalent (C + I - E) 15.846.856
Total milk used in Milk Equivalent (C + I) 19.491.052
% import of total milk used in Italy ( I / (C + I) ) 39,52%
% Self-sufficiency Milk year 2015 ( C / (C + I - E) ) 74,39%
* Volumes of milk necessary to obtain 1 kg of product - Source: Processed by CLAL
** Deliveries of cow milk, buffalo milk, goats milk and sheep milk;
Source Cow milk's deliveries: AGEA
Source Deliveries buffalo milk, goats milk and sheep milk: ISTAT
Source Import e Export: ISTAT
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