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Farm-gate prices of milk

Italy is one of the milk producing countries in the EU-28.

The volume of the Italian milk output does not meet the domestic demand needs and therefore this lack is absorbed by imports from Germany and France, the major European producers.
Given this, it turns out to compare farmgate milk prices in force in three selected regions i.e.:
- Lombardy (Italy);
- Bavaria (Germany);
- Rh�ne Alpes (France).
For that reason this page provides with:
  • a comparison graph among the farm gate Milk prices of the above mentioned Regions;
  • tables with related prices.
A look at the prices here below highlights that Italy ranks on the top of the graph i.e. high raw milk price levels.
This is mainly due to the use of Italian milk that, unlike other Countries, is destined to a large extent (approx. 45%) to the production of typical cheeses (PDO).

These typical cheeses are characterised by high standard quality and are often considered unique by the consumer. To note that Italian farmgate milk is also the result of a specific feeding of the cows. All these factors lead to have remarkable high farmgate milk prices in Italy.

To deepen this topic , please refer to Tools for a compared analysis in the European area.

Italy, Lombardy 31/01/2025 57,23 €/100Kg
Germany, Bavaria 31/12/2024 52,40 €/100Kg
France, Rhône Alpes 31/12/2024 49,45 €/100Kg
Month 2023 2024 2025 ± on prev.
± % from
January 60,00 (e)50,00 (e)59,00 +2,61% +18,00%
February 57,50 (e)50,00  
March 57,50 (e)50,50  
April 54,00 (e)51,50  
May 53,00 (e)51,50  
June 52,00 (e)52,50  
July 51,50 (e)53,50  
August 50,50 (e)54,00  
September 50,00 (e)54,50  
October 49,50 (e)55,00  
November 49,00 (e)56,00  
December 49,00 (e)57,50  
Jan 60,00 50,00 59,00
Change¹ % +44,58% -16,67% +18,00%
Average 52,79 53,04
Change¹ % +3,18% +0,47%
Last Update:15-02-2025
1) change from the same period of previous year
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices
*: Euro per 100 litres 3,7% fat - 3,25% proteins
(e) = estimated price
Source: Processed by CLAL
  min price
  max price
Month 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± % from
January 41,33 58,54 46,45 -0,30% -20,65%
February 42,24 55,39 46,67 +0,47% -15,74%
March 44,18 53,04 46,76 +0,19% -11,84%
April 46,41 50,26 46,90 +0,30% -6,69%
May 49,03 49,26 46,95 +0,11% -4,69%
June 50,78 46,02 47,10 +0,32% +2,35%
July 52,77 44,67 47,52 +0,89% +6,38%
August 54,12 44,75 47,92 +0,84% +7,08%
September 56,33 45,01 48,82 +1,88% +8,46%
October 58,20 45,77 50,39 +3,22% +10,09%
November 59,52 46,30 51,61 +2,42% +11,47%
December 59,67 46,59 (e)52,40 +1,53% +12,47%
Average 51,22 48,80 48,29
Change¹ % +40,02% -4,72% -1,04%
Last Update:06-02-2025
1) change from the same period of previous year
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices
*: Euro per 100 Kg 3,7% fat - 3,40% proteins
Since January 2010 Fat content, to which farm-gate milk price refers, has increased from 3,70 % to 4,00 %.
(e) = estimated price
Source: ZMP; since May,2009 ZMB
  min price
  max price
Month 2022 2023 2024 ± on prev.
± % from
January 42,71 51,30 49,67 -1,50% -3,18%
February 43,50 51,05 49,85 +0,37% -2,34%
March 43,79 49,51 49,05 -1,61% -0,92%
April 43,03 48,16 48,35 -1,42% +0,41%
May 43,99 47,74 48,33 -0,06% +1,22%
June 45,61 48,72 48,98 +1,35% +0,54%
July 47,55 50,25 50,12 +2,33% -0,26%
August 48,00 50,57 50,61 +0,97% +0,08%
September 48,50 50,58 50,73 +0,25% +0,31%
October 49,58 51,19 51,00 +0,52% -0,38%
November 48,91 50,17 51,16 +0,32% +1,98%
December 48,96 50,42 50,98 -0,36% +1,10%
Average 46,18 49,97 49,90
Change¹ % +15,73% +8,21% -0,13%
Last Update:15-02-2025
1) change from the same period of previous year
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices
*: Euro per 100 litres 3,8% fat - 3,20% proteins

Prix toutes primes comprises, toutes qualités confondues, ramené à un lait standard (38g de MG / 32g de MP).
Ce prix est le prix payé aux producteurs au cours du mois, il peut inclure des avances.

Source: FranceAgriMer / sondage lait de vache
  min price
  max price