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Eidamska, Czech Republic

This page contains the average wholesale prices for Eidamskà (cihla 45%), a cheese produced in the Czech Republic. Prices are recorded monthly.

The prices recorded over the last ten weeks are listed in the table, while the graphs below illustrate the price in € and in local currency. Furthermore, time series and the chart are available for monthly average prices, in local currency.

The graph below compares prices for Czech Eidamskà and German Edamer over a given period.
Czech Republic - Monthly prices of Eidamskà
cihla 45%
Kc per kg ± on prev. price € per ton ± on prev. price
August 2024
124,32 +7,67% 4.940 +8,24%
July 2024
115,46 -8,93% 4.564 -10,80%
June 2024
126,78 +4,59% 5.116 +4,75%
May 2024
121,22 -2,68% 4.884 -0,88%
April 2024
124,56 -0,39% 4.928 -0,34%
March 2024
125,05 +2,90% 4.944 +2,65%
February 2024
121,53 -0,40% 4.816 -2,44%
January 2024
122,02 +8,86% 4.937 +7,81%
December 2023
112,09 -2,72% 4.579 -2,74%
November 2023
115,23 -1,86% 4.708 -1,40%
Source: eAgri (Ministry of Agriculture Czech republic); since 2013: SZIF


2009 2014 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 81,78 105,95 97,25 99,79 94,56 105,22 142,48 122,02 +8,86% -14,36%
February 84,26 106,05 97,07 95,54 91,75 104,44 137,64 121,53 -0,40% -11,70%
March 89,38 106,87 95,98 95,63 91,39 109,98 126,60 125,05 +2,90% -1,22%
April 77,43 107,30 98,01 94,81 95,44 113,00 118,43 124,56 -0,39% +5,18%
May 81,59 101,70 98,27 94,19 91,44 124,31 113,58 121,22 -2,68% +6,73%
June 80,12 97,29 94,90 92,57 90,28 122,39 111,81 126,78 +4,59% +13,39%
July 77,51 104,77 95,52 93,95 90,15 133,53 104,31 115,46 -8,93% +10,69%
August 78,32 96,96 93,91 94,64 94,93 131,34 118,36 124,32 +7,67% +5,04%
September 80,23 97,67 95,87 95,52 91,27 133,50 104,99
October 77,30 96,67 97,38 95,52 90,63 134,95 117,41
November 79,54 94,42 97,58 94,63 98,36 138,91 115,23
December 86,35 95,73 95,56 94,85 99,53 137,99 112,09
Jan - Aug 81,30 103,36 96,36 95,14 92,49 118,03 121,65 122,62
Change (1) -13,95% +27,14% -6,77% -1,27% -2,78% +27,61% +3,07% +0,79%
Jan - Dec 81,15 100,95 96,44 95,14 93,31 124,13 118,58
Change (1) -14,29% +24,40% -4,46% -1,35% -1,92% +33,03% -4,47%
eAgri (Ministry of Agriculture Czech republic); since 2013: SZIF
The monthly, cumulative and annual prices are arithmetic averages calculated on the basis of the weekly prices.
1) change from the same period of previous year , except for years 2009, 2014, 2019, where the change is from the same period 5 years ago
  min price
max price
(cihla 45%)
Edamer (Blockware)
(40% m.g.)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023 2024 % on prev. month % on 2023
January 3.254 3.593 3.711 3.791 3.957 3.617 4.300 5.947 4.937 +7,81% -16,98% 4.100 +1,65% 0,00%
February 3.088 3.598 3.543 3.773 3.814 3.546 4.274 5.805 4.816 -2,44% -17,02% 4.150 +1,22% +19,42%
March 3.184 3.599 3.548 3.738 3.599 3.491 4.398 5.346 4.944 +2,65% -7,51% 4.150 0,00% +23,15%
April 3.045 3.764 3.435 3.817 3.478 3.681 4.624 5.053 4.928 -0,34% -2,48% 4.150 0,00% +18,57%
May 3.088 3.803 3.554 3.814 3.454 3.578 5.023 4.815 4.884 -0,88% +1,43% 4.100 -1,20% +16,81%
June 3.076 3.786 3.474 3.706 3.470 3.547 4.951 4.719 5.116 +4,75% +8,43% 4.100 0,00% +14,09%
July 3.022 3.929 3.563 3.739 3.543 3.517 5.429 4.366 4.564 -10,80% +4,54% 4.100 0,00% +12,52%
August 3.050 3.928 3.534 3.640 3.617 3.727 5.346 4.910 4.940 +8,24% +0,62% 4.181 +1,98% +14,55%
September 3.197 3.944 3.706 3.706 3.572 3.594 5.432 4.306 4.319 +3,29% +18,32%
October 3.393 4.017 3.731 3.791 3.510 3.555 5.502 4.775 4.438 +2,75% +19,33%
November 3.518 3.931 3.736 3.822 3.576 3.874 5.700 4.708
December 3.613 3.769 3.762 3.748 3.605 3.942 5.686 4.579
Average* 3.211 3.805 3.608 3.757 3.599 3.639 5.055 4.944 4.891 4.179
Change (1) +0,83% +18,51% -5,17% +4,13% -4,19% +1,10% +38,92% -2,20% -4,47% +15,40%
Source: eAgri (Ministry of Agriculture Czech republic); since 2013: SZIF
* Arithmetic Average
1) change from the same period of previous year
  min price
  max price