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Margarine, Italy (Milan)

This page contains the monthly wholesale prices for Margarine produced in Italy and recorder by the Metropolitana Milano MonzaBrianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce.

The graphs below show:
  • a comparative overview between prices of Malaysian Palm Oil (25 kg Box) and Italian Margarine;
  • a comparative overview between prices of Malaysian Palm Oil (25 kg Box), Italian Margarine and German Butter.
Survey date
Italy, Milan
Monthly prices of Margarine*,
25 kg block
€ per kg
Min Max
December 2024
1,70 1,80
November 2024
1,45 1,55
October 2024
1,45 1,55
September 2024
1,45 1,55
August 2024
n.q. n.q.
July 2024
1,45 1,55
June 2024
n.q. n.q.
May 2024
1,45 1,55
April 2024
1,45 1,55
March 2024
1,45 1,55
* Margarine entirely vegetable for the food industry.
n.q.: not quoted
Prices are ex works Milan and province; payment at 60 days from date of invoice; VAT exlcuded.
Source: Milan Chamber of Commerce; since January 2018, source: Metropolitana Milano MonzaBrianza Lodi Chamber of Commerce
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