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Burro delle Alpi

Burro delle Alpi

Brazzale S.p.A.

Product info Burro delle Alpi - Butter of the Alps

Brazzale S.p.A., family business operating from 1837 between the Veneto plain and Asiago tableland, registered address in Zanè (Vicenza), has reached a leading position in Italy in the market of packed butter, both with its brand "Burro delle Alpi" and third's ones.

Product Details of
Butter "Burro delle Alpi" unsalted butter

Ingredients: cream and butter collected from the better dairy company located in the Grana Padano and Parmigiano Reggiano regions.

Packaging: 125-250-500-1000g and hotel portions 8-10g 5-10-25 kg

Shelf life: 120 days

Product Details of
Sweet Cream Butter "Paesanella" 1st Class Butter

Ingredients: Extra fine fresh sweet cream and butter and selected milk ferments.

Packaging: 250g in paper

Shelf life: 120 days

Nutrition facts label

Energy 3039 kJ / 739 kcal
Protein 0,2 g
Carbohydrate 0,1 g
Fat 82 g

CLAL focus on: Gorgonzola

Gorgonzola Cheese PDO
Consorzio per la Tutela del Formaggio Gorgonzola
Establishment year:
N° of Associated Farms:

This cheese takes its name from the village of Gorgonzola, on the outskirts of Milan. Legend has it that this cheese was made there for first time in 879 A.D.

By law and by tradition there are only two regions in Italy which are entitled to manufacture Gorgonzola cheese, and even within these regions, only some provinces are allowed to produce it.
