outlines the import and export trade flows of Cheese, Butter and AMF, Milk Powders, Whey and WPC, Condensed Milk, Packed and Bulk Milk, Lactose, Casein and Caseinates by the main international players. provides with a snapshot of the Milk production and livestock
(cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, camel) and a number of interactive maps that visualize
Milk Self-sufficiency worldwide.
CLAL News is an information service on the national and international dairy market, developed by the CLAL Team and Leo Bertozzi.
The information is addressed to all operators in the sector and concerns the market, product innovation, the strategies of the major companies and retailers.
On the right you can find the latest news in English language.
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Market News evidences only the changes; should no price change or no quotation take place, any mention will be made.
The change/variation concerning PRODUCTION/OUTPUT quantity refers to the same period of the previous year.
The change/variation concerning STOCK quantity refers to the previous month.
The change/variation of price refers to PRICES expressed in local currency (for both EU and the World). The change refers to the previous week/month/year, as the case may be. In the case of dual-listed (min and max), changes are calculated using the MAX PRICE.
Last update: 2025-01-18 (e) Estimated data
* Import, Export and Consumption data are in Milk Equivalent (ME), comprehensive of WMP, Cheese, SMP+Butter and Liquid Milk. Import and Export data are also comprehensive of Condensed Milk and Yogurt.
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
Last update: 2025-01-18 (e) Estimated data
* Import, Export and Consumption data are in Milk Equivalent (ME), comprehensive of WMP, Cheese, SMP+Butter and Liquid Milk. Import and Export data are also comprehensive of Condensed Milk and Yogurt.
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
New Zealand: The Data are calculated by applying the incidence of WMP export on Total Dairy export to the annual production data (Source: FAS-USDA). The same calculation is used also to the current year data, applying the incidence calculated for the previous year.
US: National Agricultural Statistics Service;
Australia: Dairy Australia;
EU-27: Eurostat
New Zealand:
US: Census Bureau
United Kingdom: United Kingdom HMRC
Australia: IHS
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
New Zealand: The Data are calculated by applying the incidence of WMP export on Total Dairy export to the annual production data (Source: FAS-USDA). The same calculation is used also to the current year data, applying the incidence calculated for the previous year.
US: National Agricultural Statistics Service;
Australia: Dairy Australia;
EU-27: Eurostat
New Zealand:
US: Census Bureau
United Kingdom: United Kingdom HMRC
Australia: IHS
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
New Zealand: The Data are calculated by applying the incidence of WMP export on Total Dairy export to the annual production data (Source: FAS-USDA). The same calculation is used also to the current year data, applying the incidence calculated for the previous year.
US: National Agricultural Statistics Service;
Australia: Dairy Australia;
EU-27: Eurostat
New Zealand:
US: Census Bureau
United Kingdom: United Kingdom HMRC
Australia: IHS
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
New Zealand: The Data are calculated by applying the incidence of WMP export on Total Dairy export to the annual production data (Source: FAS-USDA). The same calculation is used also to the current year data, applying the incidence calculated for the previous year.
US: National Agricultural Statistics Service;
Australia: Dairy Australia;
EU-27: Eurostat
New Zealand:
US: Census Bureau
United Kingdom: United Kingdom HMRC
Australia: IHS
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
New Zealand: The Data are calculated by applying the incidence of BUTTER export on Total Dairy export to the annual production data (Source: FAS-USDA). The same calculation is used also to the current year data, applying the incidence calculated for the previous year.
US: National Agricultural Statistics Service;
Australia: Dairy Australia;
EU-27: Eurostat
New Zealand:
US: Census Bureau
United Kingdom: United Kingdom HMRC
Australia: IHS
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
New Zealand: The Data are calculated by applying the incidence of BUTTER export on Total Dairy export to the annual production data (Source: FAS-USDA). The same calculation is used also to the current year data, applying the incidence calculated for the previous year.
US: National Agricultural Statistics Service;
Australia: Dairy Australia;
EU-27: Eurostat
New Zealand:
US: Census Bureau
United Kingdom: United Kingdom HMRC
Australia: IHS
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
New Zealand: The Data are calculated by applying the incidence of CHEESE export on Total Dairy export to the annual production data (Source: FAS-USDA). The same calculation is used also to the current year data, applying the incidence calculated for the previous year.
US: National Agricultural Statistics Service;
Australia: Dairy Australia;
EU-27: Eurostat
New Zealand:
US: Census Bureau
United Kingdom: United Kingdom HMRC
Australia: IHS
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
New Zealand: The Data are calculated by applying the incidence of CHEESE export on Total Dairy export to the annual production data (Source: FAS-USDA). The same calculation is used also to the current year data, applying the incidence calculated for the previous year.
US: National Agricultural Statistics Service;
Australia: Dairy Australia;
EU-27: Eurostat
New Zealand:
US: Census Bureau
United Kingdom: United Kingdom HMRC
Australia: IHS
Domestic consumption data calculated by applying the incidence of consumption over production reported by FAS-USDA on the productions obtained from the local sources.
The domestic consumption changes estimated by the FAS-USDA source are updated every six months (June and December).
Note: The balance sheet at the moment does not consider the trade of FFMP (fat-filled milk powder) - HS 190190, milk powder that has a fat content similar to whole milk powder, but instead of butterfat contains vegetable fats.
*Change from previous price
¹ Prices refer to Germany. Cheese prices refer to Cheddar in the European Union (source: European Commission (Milk Market Observatory))
² Contract 2 GDT
n.a.: not available
*Change from previous price
¹ Prices refer to Germany. Cheese prices refer to Cheddar in the European Union (source: European Commission (Milk Market Observatory))
² Contract 2 GDT
n.a.: not available
BUTTER Stocks · USStocks: Dec 31, 2024 100.862 tons (+4.1% on Nov 30, 2024; +11.4% on Dec, 2023)
· EU-27 Consumption (Production + Import - Export): Nov 30,2024: 139.089 tons (-0,9% on Oct 31, 2024; +3,6% on Nov, 2023)
SMP Stocks · USStocks: Dec 31, 2024 115.018 tons (+6.7% on Nov 30, 2024; +27.7% on Dec, 2023)
· EU-27 Consumption (Production + Import - Export): Nov 30,2024 41.239 tons (-3,6% on Oct 31, 2024; +13,8% on Nov, 2023)
· USStocks:
Dec 31, 2024 614.755 tons (+1.7% on Nov 30, 2024; -6.0% on Dec, 2023)
· EU-27 Consumption (Production + Import - Export): Nov 30,2024 0 tons (-3,6% on Oct 31, 2024; +13,8% on Nov, 2023)
Grana Padano Stocks:
- Marked PDO: Jan 31, 2025 1.890.730 number of wheels (+6,4% on 31 Dec 2024; +2,6% on Jan, 2024)
- Total: Jan 31, 2025 5.956.199 number of wheels (+1,9% on 31 Dec 2024; +3,4% on Jan, 2024)
DRY WHEY Stocks · USStock:
Dec 31, 2024 27.299 tons (+5.3% rispetto a Nov 30, 2024; -13.2% rispetto a Dec, 2023)
CLAL is an Italian Dairy Economic Consulting firm that analyses the Dairy Market, describes
trends and provides data, news and synthesis thanks to information and training activities.
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Dairy Market Alert outlines hereafter some important changes that occured in the market and may have an impact on the market trend
Cheese, Butter, Powder and Packed Milk import and export flows of the main dairy players.
Clal Updates and Publications provides the Operators with a range of updated information.
Grana Padano, Parmigiano Reggiano, Asiago Fresco, Asiago Stagionato, Piave, Montasio, Monte Veronese, Gorgonzola, Provolone, Pecorino Romano, Grated Mix, Mascarpone
An innovative product that combines the fragrance of Grana Padano with a practical and hygienic rotating grater.
The grater contains Grana Padano PDO packaged in a protective atmosphere.
Easy to use: grate only the amount you want when you need and then put it back in the fridge without having to clean it.