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Asiago Pressato cheese production by provinces and regions

This page provides data related to Italian production of Asiago Pressato cheese (fresh) organized by Provinces (first table) and by Regions (second table).
Data are further represented on the two graphs at the bottom of the page.
Production of Asiago Pressato by PROVINCE (Number of Wheels)
Province 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ± on '22 % on TOT
Padova 57.506 65.658 64.668 59.400 55.584 -6,42% 4,32%
Trento 92.614 98.453 79.932 76.213 75.713 -0,66% 5,89%
Treviso 292.144 318.629 305.791 301.013 299.273 -0,58% 23,28%
Vicenza 901.329 944.718 917.559 903.707 854.982 -5,39% 66,51%
TOTAL Production 1.343.593 1.427.458 1.367.950 1.340.333 1.285.552 -4,09%
Last update: 2024-05-14
Source: Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Asiago
Production of Asiago Pressato by REGION (Number of Wheels)
Region 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ± on '22 % on TOT
Trentino Alto Adige 92.614 98.453 79.932 76.213 75.713 -0,66% 5,89%
Veneto 1.250.979 1.329.005 1.288.018 1.264.120 1.209.839 -4,29% 94,11%
TOTAL Production 1.343.593 1.427.458 1.367.950 1.340.333 1.285.552 -4,09%
Last update: 2024-05-14
Source: Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Asiago