Dairy World Trade |
The Dairy World Trade section offers a wide database regarding import and export flows in the main dairy countries and international trade flow analysis on the various dairy products such as Cheese, Butter, SMP (Skimmed Milk Powder), WMP (Whole Milk Powder), Whey Powder, WPC (Whey Protein COncentrate), AMF (Anydrous Milk Fat/Butteroil), Condensed Milk, Bulk and Packed Milk, Lactose, Caseins and Caseinates.
Only the supporters of CLAL.it have access to the DWT area and to the Slideshow (Institutions, Associations, Dairy companies, companies involved in the fields of technology, animal health and food ingredients).
Those who are willing to support the CLAL.it activity are invited to indicate it in the form.