EXPORT ITALY: Main 10 acquirenti di BUTTER (HS.0405) (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Jun
2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
Spagna 890 2.169 1.597 1.645 781 1.024 +31,12%
Grecia 1.458 1.207 1.229 2.140 1.051 799 -24,02%
Austria 1.137 1.176 1.270 1.316 667 727 +9,10%
Francia 229 259 608 1.211 474 705 +48,63%
Polonia 932 1.854 562 2.039 557 703 +26,02%
Germania 3.921 2.955 1.428 2.027 1.104 592 -46,42%
Tunisia - - 24 748 216 420 +94,44%
Romania 351 611 446 550 260 354 +35,81%
Corea del Sud 460 829 612 649 326 299 -8,25%
Portogallo 22 22 16 537 315 221 -29,95%
Source: Processed by Clal based on ISTAT data
* Change from the same period of previous year.