IMPORT ITALY: Main 10 fornitori di WHEY (HS 040410) (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Jun
2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
Grecia 9.181 14.895 23.435 29.524 23.834 16.503 -30,76%
Germania 15.493 18.476 17.096 14.229 6.557 7.398 +12,83%
Slovenia 7.503 8.307 8.644 14.529 6.509 6.829 +4,92%
Austria 8.443 13.366 12.773 15.705 8.030 6.745 -16,00%
Francia 12.164 12.897 10.311 9.632 4.074 3.863 -5,17%
Ungheria 264 545 931 5.284 1.421 3.186 +124%
Polonia 4.475 4.127 4.289 3.962 2.593 3.091 +19,18%
Spagna 978 2.653 1.768 4.671 853 3.007 +253%
Paesi Bassi 6.127 3.972 3.866 4.952 2.423 2.874 +18,60%
Belgio 99 1.990 1.443 986 453 1.415 +212%
Source: Processed by Clal based on ISTAT data
* Change from the same period of previous year.