EXPORT ITALY: Main 10 acquirenti di YOGURT (HS 040310) (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Jun
2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
Malta 1.276 1.316 1.335 1.465 711 897 +26,20%
Slovenia 1.045 1.305 1.183 890 452 504 +11,44%
Albania 524 502 671 793 325 460 +41,37%
Francia 65 143 474 677 406 347 -14,31%
Germania 710 555 644 554 291 288 -0,91%
Austria 350 415 449 434 226 225 -0,66%
Croazia 43 11 190 299 142 151 +6,24%
Belgio 3 7 154 152 78 77 -1,97%
Estonia 43 157 132 124 64 60 -5,43%
Israele - - - 57 15 58 +298%
Source: Processed by Clal based on ISTAT data
* Change from the same period of previous year.