IMPORT ITALY: Main 10 fornitori di SKIMMED MILK POWDER (HS 040210) (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Jun
2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
Francia 17.570 20.575 24.286 25.455 12.780 12.026 -5,90%
Germania 24.737 22.575 25.000 27.872 14.472 10.640 -26,48%
Polonia 4.119 6.454 6.858 11.498 7.006 6.934 -1,02%
Paesi Bassi 12.552 16.909 14.100 10.825 6.483 6.035 -6,91%
Belgio 6.751 10.524 11.483 10.570 5.090 4.938 -2,98%
Irlanda 960 1.366 2.843 5.317 1.038 2.294 +121%
Finlandia 141 1.136 1.848 2.402 1.091 1.267 +16,12%
Spagna 1.488 2.006 796 1.260 600 452 -24,61%
Lituania 120 14 132 142 42 101 +142%
Austria 94 89 75 448 395 70 -82,14%
Source: Processed by Clal based on ISTAT data
* Change from the same period of previous year.