EXPORT ITALY: Main 10 acquirenti di CREAM IN PACKINGS OF >2L (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Jun
2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
Corea del Sud 4.700 8.236 8.869 8.207 5.133 5.551 +8,15%
Belgio 1.914 2.875 3.436 3.776 1.939 2.062 +6,33%
Francia 107 178 791 782 732 480 -34,38%
Polonia 143 244 17 302 163 315 +93,90%
Germania 206 884 602 627 594 190 -68,07%
Israele - - - - - 151 0,00%
Grecia 3 94 145 251 236 91 -61,23%
Paesi Bassi 41 341 321 294 293 80 -72,76%
Stati Uniti 66 50 38 18 18 80 +346%
Australia 3 - 2 20 9 55 +512%
Source: Processed by Clal based on ISTAT data
* Change from the same period of previous year.