IMPORT FRANCE: Main 10 suppliers of WMP (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Dec
2019 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 ± % su
2022 *
Netherlands 10.368 7.614 9.333 7.884 7.884 10.789 +36,84%
Germany 12.365 8.072 10.963 8.861 8.861 9.314 +5,12%
Belgium 10.933 9.374 7.891 6.947 6.947 5.702 -17,92%
Spain 729 617 1.913 1.851 1.851 1.817 -1,87%
Ireland 7.315 9.771 2.855 1.792 1.792 877 -51,06%
Poland 1.236 1.273 1.008 781 781 812 +4,02%
Italy 1.357 1.303 675 724 724 786 +8,54%
United Kingdom 593 66 102 445 445 732 +64,43%
Denmark 27 142 227 618 618 355 -42,51%
Portugal 394 341 272 390 390 353 -9,70%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.