EXPORT BELARUS: Main 10 purchasers of (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Mar
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 ± % su
2021 *
Russia 182.211 198.713 233.045 258.091 279.272 66.855 72.024 +7,73%
Ukraine 1.641 3.153 3.536 5.708 7.603 1.689 1.794 +6,22%
Kazakhstan 2.176 4.500 5.419 6.470 7.469 1.914 1.809 -5,45%
Uzbekistan 94 176 419 452 808 170 212 +24,76%
Kyrgyzstan 2.132 3.645 124 780 801 76 125 +63,95%
Moldova 294 361 518 571 783 183 158 -13,84%
Azerbaijan 333 342 415 526 671 165 169 +2,38%
Armenia 7 24 340 996 246 14 12 -16,08%
Mongolia - - - 47 207 63 54 -14,37%
Georgia 214 83 57 69 111 25 29 +17,12%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.
Note: The classification is based on the year 2021