EXPORT NEW ZEALAND: Main 10 purchasers of Whey(Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Nov
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
United States 44.853 41.805 39.518 32.601 34.202 31.817 46.336 +45,63%
China 3.576 5.801 7.643 9.565 11.793 10.040 18.446 +83,73%
Netherlands 706 1.477 1.910 2.260 6.777 6.273 5.165 -17,66%
Japan 4.353 5.782 6.480 5.571 5.936 5.575 5.757 +3,26%
Malaysia 4.154 4.954 4.919 4.227 3.716 3.354 3.973 +18,45%
Singapore 7.195 6.836 8.603 6.232 3.284 3.018 3.433 +13,74%
Egypt 3.965 1.480 4.629 2.314 2.571 2.005 5.058 +152%
Bahrain 200 77 898 3.318 2.550 2.013 1.603 -20,36%
Saudi Arabia 2.948 3.388 2.188 1.672 2.399 2.243 2.350 +4,79%
Indonesia 1.335 2.394 1.437 1.472 2.312 2.241 2.921 +30,32%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.
Note: The classification is based on the year 2023