EXPORT FRANCE: Main 10 purchasers of (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Dec
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 ± % su
2022 *
United Kingdom 126.220 113.057 115.315 98.976 80.582 80.582 74.870 -7,09%
Belgium 64.643 51.902 51.957 54.770 54.926 54.926 60.911 +10,90%
Spain 77.683 60.385 48.272 44.025 49.679 49.679 52.777 +6,24%
Italy 46.005 43.497 43.796 41.217 39.583 39.583 39.829 +0,62%
Netherlands 16.439 17.456 21.196 25.001 32.277 32.277 34.785 +7,77%
United States 3.134 4.725 5.140 9.696 12.729 12.729 12.295 -3,41%
Ireland 10.596 10.211 9.937 12.138 11.673 11.673 11.393 -2,40%
Germany 8.435 7.766 8.818 12.476 11.313 11.313 12.281 +8,55%
Portugal 14.365 11.267 8.700 9.104 9.646 9.646 9.956 +3,21%
China 1.292 621 1.466 2.204 2.505 2.505 1.639 -34,58%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.
Note: The classification is based on the year 2022