EXPORT UNITED STATES: Main 10 purchasers of Condensed Milk(Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Oct
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
Mexico 6.073 2.383 9.497 13.459 8.026 7.125 5.461 -23,36%
Dominican Republic 2.357 915 512 721 6.533 5.458 3.416 -37,41%
Cayman Islands 695 1.008 1.016 1.094 1.230 1.014 1.016 +0,19%
Cuba - 1 5 24 1.159 715 1.274 +78,05%
Canada 1.510 1.170 1.427 753 725 669 238 -64,46%
Bahamas 796 694 669 730 678 564 628 +11,30%
Honduras 93 49 95 80 251 233 127 -45,68%
El Salvador 529 114 197 202 243 200 238 +18,83%
Guatemala 157 87 174 195 243 200 251 +25,31%
Israel 10 19 - - 240 240 - -100,00%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.
Note: The classification is based on the year 2023