EXPORT NEW ZEALAND: Main 10 purchasers of SMP(Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Dec
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
China 131.410 127.765 138.313 110.056 147.940 147.940 153.804 +3,96%
Indonesia 19.977 33.896 29.673 62.302 64.129 64.129 78.231 +21,99%
Thailand 24.009 23.178 22.104 25.308 32.159 32.159 25.612 -20,36%
Vietnam 14.864 15.688 17.081 21.201 30.605 30.605 19.970 -34,75%
Malaysia 29.547 23.974 21.890 27.368 30.378 30.378 29.353 -3,38%
Singapore 22.256 19.630 19.722 14.267 23.287 23.287 15.930 -31,59%
Taiwan 20.755 20.121 18.908 19.587 20.219 20.219 18.722 -7,41%
Saudi Arabia 7.309 10.095 2.592 4.965 19.229 19.229 15.110 -21,42%
Philippines 28.516 22.464 14.912 19.548 16.992 16.992 32.310 +90,15%
Algeria - 1.705 - 12.056 12.839 12.839 4.995 -61,09%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.
Note: The classification is based on the year 2023