Price / Quotation |
semi-hard PDO cheeses |
Market |
Current price € / kg |
± from previous price |
± from 1 year ago |
Asiago d'allevo
Milano |
8,78 (Monday, 2024-9-16) |
Asiago Pressato
Milano |
7,43 (Monday, 2024-9-16) |
Montasio stagionatura 4-6 mesi
Udine |
9,95 (Saturday, 2024-8-31) |
Montasio stagionatura 60 giorni
Udine |
8,95 (Saturday, 2024-8-31) |
Monte Veronese
Verona |
7,45 (Tuesday, 2024-9-17) |
Provolone Valpadana 3 mesi
Milano |
7,75 (Monday, 2024-9-16) |
Quartirolo Lombardo
Milano |
6,53 (Monday, 2024-9-16) |
NOTE:Data of prices displayed with the fomat “Year-Month-Day” refer to weekly quotations, whereas data of prices displayed with the format “Month” refer to monthly quotations.