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EU-27 :Average cow milk yield

This section shows the annual average cow milk yield in some selected EU-27 countries which is calculated by comparing volumes of milk output (milk deliveries) with Number of cow heads.

Country Year Milk Deliveries
('000 tons)
Number of cows Cow milk
yield (kg)
Italy 2023 12.911 1.574.406 8.200
Germany 2016 31.973 4.274.490 7.480
France 2016 24.453 3.678.410 6.648
Ireland 2016 6.852 1.398.070 4.901
The Netherlands 0 0 0
Poland 2016 0 2.183.490 0
Milk Deliveries: EUROSTAT, AGEA (Italy)
Number of cow heads: EUROSTAT, AIA (Italy)
With regard to Poland it has been considered Milk Production (EUROSTAT) instead of milk deliveries.