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Europe: Dairy Products Prices Overview

This page contains three tables:
  • the first table shows the prices of some Cheeses recorded over the last weeks;
  • the second table shows the monthly average prices of some Cheeses over the last two years;
  • the last table shows the yearly average prices of some Cheeses.
Within each table, it is possible to access a product's in-depth page by clicking on its name.
Country Product Local Currency
Germany Allgäuer Emmentaler, Aus Rohmilch € / Kg
Poland Cagliata, min 40% tl PLN / kg
Poland Cheddar PLN / kg
Germany Edamer, 40% € / Kg
Poland Edamski, min 42% tl PLN / kg
Slovak Republic Eidamskà, thela 45% t.v.s. € / Kg
Poland Ementaler PLN / kg
Poland Feta PLN / kg
Germany Gouda, 45%-48% € / Kg
Poland Mozzarella PLN / kg
2024 - settimana n°
41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31
- - 7,10 | 8,10 0,00% - - 7,10 | 8,10 0,00% 7,10 | 8,10 0,00% 7,10 | 8,10 +1,33% 7,10 | 7,90 +4,17% 6,90 | 7,50 0,00% 6,90 | 7,50 -4,00% 7,20 | 7,80 0,00% 7,20 | 7,80 -
- - - - 13,19 -0,08% 13,20 -1,05% 13,34 +0,53% 13,27 +0,66% 13,18 -0,91% 13,30 +0,79% 13,20 +0,76% - - 13,10 -2,89%
- - - - 0,00 - 0,00 - 0,00 - 20,98 +10,13% 0,00 - 0,00 - 0,00 - - - 19,05 -6,75%
4,40 | 4,60 +2,86% 4,25 | 4,50 0,00% 4,25 | 4,50 +0,57% 4,20 | 4,50 +1,16% 4,15 | 4,45 +1,18% 4,10 | 4,40 +1,19% 4,10 | 4,30 0,00% 4,10 | 4,30 0,00% 4,10 | 4,30 +1,82% 4,05 | 4,20 +0,61% 4,00 | 4,20 0,00%
- - - - 20,55 +0,54% 20,44 +4,29% 19,60 +4,87% 18,69 -1,48% 18,97 -0,05% 18,98 -0,78% 19,13 +2,52% - - 18,66 +3,44%
- - 6,84 -2,95% 7,04 +1,69% 6,93 -1,79% 7,05 +5,20% 6,70 -5,80% 7,12 +0,62% 7,07 -1,15% 7,16 +3,62% 6,91 -2,81% 7,11 +6,60%
- - - - 23,42 +2,54% 22,84 +0,93% 22,63 +0,22% 22,58 +5,48% 21,41 -2,62% 21,98 -2,17% 22,47 +2,56% - - 21,91 +0,55%
- - - - 15,01 -0,53% 15,09 +3,07% 14,64 +0,55% 14,56 -2,48% 14,93 +0,87% 14,80 +0,48% 14,73 -0,61% - - 14,82 -1,72%
4,40 | 4,60 +2,86% 4,25 | 4,50 0,00% 4,25 | 4,50 +0,57% 4,20 | 4,50 +1,16% 4,15 | 4,45 +1,18% 4,10 | 4,40 +1,19% 4,10 | 4,30 0,00% 4,10 | 4,30 0,00% 4,10 | 4,30 +1,82% 4,05 | 4,20 +0,61% - -
- - - - 22,62 +3,33% 21,89 +0,18% 21,85 -1,89% 22,27 +1,03% 22,04 -0,42% 22,13 +0,70% 21,98 -1,87% - - 22,40 +13,02%
Last Update: 2024-10-10
NOTE: Quotations have a pre-determined frequency. If case of more than one quotation in the same week, the table shows the arithmetic mean.
SOURCES: Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi; Slovak Republic: ATIS;
Country Product Currency
Germany Allgäuer Emmentaler, Aus Rohmilch € / ton
Poland Cagliata, min 40% tl € / ton
Poland Cheddar € / ton
Germany Edamer, 40% € / ton
Poland Edamski, min 42% tl € / ton
Slovak Republic Eidamskà, thela 45% t.v.s. € / ton
Poland Ementaler € / ton
Poland Feta € / ton
Germany Gouda, 45%-48% € / ton
Poland Mozzarella € / ton
2024 - settimana n°
41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31
- - 7.100 | 8.100 0,00% - - 7.100 | 8.100 0,00% 7.100 | 8.100 0,00% 7.100 | 8.100 +1,33% 7.100 | 7.900 +4,17% 6.900 | 7.500 0,00% 6.900 | 7.500 -4,00% 7.200 | 7.800 0,00% 7.200 | 7.800 -
- - - - 3.086 -0,02% 3.087 -0,74% 3.110 +0,30% 3.100 +0,57% 3.083 -0,88% 3.110 +0,62% 3.091 +1,20% - - 3.054 -3,23%
- - - - n.q. - n.q. - n.q. - 4.902 +10,36% n.q. - n.q. - n.q. - - - 4.442 -7,08%
4.400 | 4.600 +2,86% 4.250 | 4.500 0,00% 4.250 | 4.500 +0,57% 4.200 | 4.500 +1,16% 4.150 | 4.450 +1,18% 4.100 | 4.400 +1,19% 4.100 | 4.300 0,00% 4.100 | 4.300 0,00% 4.100 | 4.300 +1,82% 4.050 | 4.200 +0,61% 4.000 | 4.200 0,00%
- - - - 4.808 +0,60% 4.780 +4,61% 4.569 +4,63% 4.367 -1,56% 4.436 -0,02% 4.437 -0,95% 4.480 +2,97% - - 4.351 +3,08%
- - 6.836 -2,95% 7.044 +1,69% 6.927 -1,79% 7.053 +5,20% 6.705 -5,80% 7.118 +0,62% 7.074 -1,15% 7.156 +3,62% 6.906 -2,81% 7.106 +6,60%
- - - - 5.480 +2,60% 5.341 +1,25% 5.275 -0,01% 5.276 +5,39% 5.006 -2,59% 5.139 -2,34% 5.262 +3,01% - - 5.108 +0,20%
- - - - 3.512 -0,47% 3.529 +3,40% 3.413 +0,32% 3.402 -2,57% 3.491 +0,90% 3.460 +0,32% 3.449 -0,17% - - 3.455 -2,07%
4.400 | 4.600 +2,86% 4.250 | 4.500 0,00% 4.250 | 4.500 +0,57% 4.200 | 4.500 +1,16% 4.150 | 4.450 +1,18% 4.100 | 4.400 +1,19% 4.100 | 4.300 0,00% 4.100 | 4.300 0,00% 4.100 | 4.300 +1,82% 4.050 | 4.200 +0,61% - -
- - - - 5.293 +3,40% 5.119 +0,50% 5.093 -2,11% 5.203 +0,95% 5.155 -0,39% 5.175 +0,53% 5.147 -1,45% - - 5.223 +12,62%
Last Update: 2024-10-10
NOTE: Quotations have a pre-determined frequency. If case of more than one quotation in the same week, the table shows the arithmetic mean.
SOURCES: Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi; Slovak Republic: ATIS;
Country Product Local currency
Germany Allgäuer Emmentaler, Aus Rohmilch € / Kg
Poland Cagliata, min 40% tl PLN / kg
France CAMEMBERT de Normandie AOP € / forma
France CANTAL entre-deux AOP € / Kg
France CANTAL jeune AOP € / Kg
Poland Cheddar PLN / kg
France COMTE' AOP meule € / Kg
Germany Edamer, 40% € / Kg
Poland Edamski, min 42% tl PLN / kg
Czech Republic Eidamskà, cihla 45% CZK / kg
Slovak Republic Eidamskà, thela 45% t.v.s. € / Kg
Poland Ementaler PLN / kg
France EMMENTAL 3kg bloc € / Kg
Poland Feta PLN / kg
Germany Gouda, 45%-48% € / Kg
Poland Mozzarella PLN / kg
2024 2023
Oct ± on Oct '23 Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
7,60 +9,62% 7,60 7,35 7,45 7,40 7,50 7,50 7,50 7,12 7,13 7,36 6,56 6,93 7,42 7,54 7,60 7,76 7,85 7,85 7,81 7,75 7,75
- - 13,24 13,20 13,43 13,44 13,51 13,66 13,70 13,65 13,62 13,53 13,72 13,68 13,62 13,61 13,63 13,57 13,88 13,79 13,77 13,84 14,01
- - 3,90 3,90 3,90 3,90 3,90 3,90 3,90 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80 3,80
- - 10,80 10,80 10,80 10,80 10,80 10,80 10,80 10,70 10,70 10,70 10,70 10,70 10,70 10,70 10,70 10,50 10,50 10,50 10,50 9,45 9,45
- - 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,20 10,00 10,00 10,00 10,00 9,00 9,00
- - 20,98 19,05 19,95 19,72 20,53 20,89 21,39 20,59 18,33 19,57 19,36 17,95 18,92 19,00 18,33 19,08 18,88 19,05 19,23 19,78 23,32
- - 11,50 11,50 11,50 11,50 11,50 11,50 11,50 11,45 11,40 11,40 11,40 11,40 11,40 11,40 11,40 11,40 11,40 11,40 11,40 11,10 10,65
4,44 +19,33% 4,32 4,18 4,10 4,10 4,10 4,15 4,15 4,15 4,10 4,03 3,92 3,72 3,65 3,65 3,64 3,59 3,51 3,50 3,37 3,48 4,10
- - 19,65 18,92 18,85 18,57 18,86 19,45 19,91 20,28 20,29 21,40 20,48 21,43 19,98 19,15 19,05 18,55 18,78 21,68 24,33 23,40 25,27
- - - 124,32 115,46 126,78 121,22 124,56 125,05 121,53 122,02 112,09 115,23 117,41 104,99 118,36 104,31 111,81 113,58 118,43 126,60 137,64 142,48
6,84 -8,85% 6,93 7,06 6,95 7,08 7,11 7,11 7,08 6,98 7,11 7,44 7,50 7,50 7,49 7,58 7,59 7,66 7,58 7,58 6,97 6,48 6,38
- - 22,58 22,12 21,83 22,18 22,47 23,23 23,24 22,82 22,56 22,12 22,02 21,76 21,67 21,95 21,92 23,22 23,35 24,04 24,47 24,25 26,69
- - 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,95 8,35
- - 14,85 14,78 14,77 14,69 14,85 14,79 15,35 15,28 15,48 15,56 15,38 15,64 15,41 15,51 15,64 15,59 15,88 15,78 16,06 15,96 16,46
4,44 +19,33% 4,32 4,18 4,10 4,10 4,10 4,15 4,15 4,15 4,10 4,03 3,92 3,72 3,65 3,65 3,64 3,59 3,51 3,50 3,37 3,48 4,10
- - 22,13 22,17 20,81 21,18 21,64 22,10 21,43 21,32 20,85 20,30 20,25 20,95 20,29 20,85 19,95 20,52 20,98 21,17 21,86 22,08 23,14
Last Update: 2024-10-09

SOURCES: Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi; Slovak Republic: ATIS; Czech Republic: eAgri (Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Rep.); dal 2011: SZIF; France: FranceAgriMer - RNM / www.rnm.franceagrimer.fr;
Country Product currency
Germany Allgäuer Emmentaler, Aus Rohmilch € / ton
Poland Cagliata, min 40% tl € / ton
France CAMEMBERT de Normandie AOP € / ton
France CANTAL entre-deux AOP € / ton
France CANTAL jeune AOP € / ton
Poland Cheddar € / ton
France COMTE' AOP meule € / ton
Germany Edamer, 40% € / ton
Poland Edamski, min 42% tl € / ton
Czech Republic Eidamskà, cihla 45% € / ton
Slovak Republic Eidamskà, thela 45% t.v.s. € / ton
Poland Ementaler € / ton
France EMMENTAL 3kg bloc € / ton
Poland Feta € / ton
Germany Gouda, 45%-48% € / ton
Poland Mozzarella € / ton
2024 2023
Oct ± on Oct '23 Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug Jul Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan
7.600 +9,62% 7.600 7.350 7.450 7.400 7.500 7.500 7.500 7.117 7.125 7.363 6.563 6.933 7.419 7.535 7.600 7.758 7.850 7.850 7.813 7.750 7.750
- - 3.093 3.085 3.142 3.118 3.153 3.184 3.180 3.158 3.120 3.124 3.115 3.003 2.976 3.053 3.065 3.040 3.057 2.960 2.932 2.921 2.983
- - 15.600 15.600 15.600 15.600 15.600 15.600 15.600 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200 15.200
- - 10.800 10.800 10.800 10.800 10.800 10.800 10.800 10.700 10.700 10.700 10.700 10.700 10.700 10.700 10.700 10.500 10.500 10.500 10.500 9.450 9.450
- - 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.200 10.000 10.000 10.000 10.000 9.000 9.000
- - 4.902 4.442 4.668 4.576 4.791 4.851 4.964 4.763 4.198 4.519 4.397 3.939 4.131 4.263 4.122 4.274 4.158 4.090 4.095 4.175 4.965
- - 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.500 11.450 11.400 11.400 11.400 11.400 11.400 11.400 11.400 11.400 11.400 11.400 11.400 11.100 10.650
4.438 +19,33% 4.319 4.181 4.100 4.100 4.100 4.150 4.150 4.150 4.100 4.033 3.919 3.719 3.650 3.650 3.644 3.594 3.510 3.500 3.370 3.475 4.100
- - 4.592 4.423 4.411 4.306 4.399 4.534 4.620 4.692 4.649 4.940 4.650 4.702 4.363 4.297 4.283 4.155 4.130 4.658 5.182 4.936 5.381
- - - 4.940 4.564 5.116 4.884 4.928 4.944 4.816 4.937 4.579 4.708 4.775 4.306 4.910 4.366 4.719 4.815 5.053 5.346 5.805 5.947
6.836 -8,85% 6.932 7.063 6.948 7.084 7.106 7.114 7.075 6.975 7.113 7.443 7.495 7.500 7.489 7.577 7.586 7.660 7.583 7.583 6.974 6.484 6.379
- - 5.276 5.170 5.108 5.144 5.242 5.414 5.393 5.280 5.168 5.107 5.000 4.778 4.733 4.927 4.929 5.202 5.141 5.161 5.212 5.117 5.683
- - 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.950 8.350
- - 3.469 3.455 3.455 3.406 3.464 3.447 3.562 3.535 3.546 3.593 3.493 3.433 3.367 3.480 3.515 3.493 3.497 3.387 3.421 3.368 3.506
4.438 +19,33% 4.319 4.181 4.100 4.100 4.100 4.150 4.150 4.150 4.100 4.033 3.919 3.719 3.650 3.650 3.644 3.594 3.510 3.500 3.370 3.475 4.100
- - 5.173 5.181 4.870 4.914 5.049 5.149 4.972 4.931 4.776 4.688 4.599 4.599 4.431 4.680 4.484 4.596 4.618 4.544 4.655 4.659 4.927
Last Update: 2024-10-09

SOURCES: Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi; Slovak Republic: ATIS; Czech Republic: eAgri (Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Rep.); dal 2011: SZIF; France: FranceAgriMer - RNM / www.rnm.franceagrimer.fr;
Country Product Currency 2024 ± on '23 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Germany Allgäuer Emmentaler, Aus Rohmilch   € / ton   7.407 -2,1% 7.566 7.024 5.956 5.945 5.872 5.721 5.747 5.460
Poland Cagliata, min 40% tl   € / ton   3.136 +4,0% 3.016 2.625 2.114 2.099 2.145 2.130 2.131 2.061
France CAMEMBERT de Normandie AOP   € / ton   15.511 +2,0% 15.200 14.467 12.800 12.800 12.400 10.400 10.400 10.400
France CANTAL entre-deux AOP   € / ton   10.778 +3,4% 10.425 9.017 7.400 7.400 7.400 7.400 7.400 7.400
France CANTAL jeune AOP   € / ton   10.200 +2,7% 9.933 8.077 6.100 6.100 6.100 6.100 6.100 6.100
Poland Cheddar   € / ton   4.695 +10,0% 4.267 5.126 3.395 3.100 3.165 3.144 3.233 2.542
France COMTE' AOP meule   € / ton   11.483 +1,5% 11.313 10.600 10.000 9.680 9.433 9.300 9.000 8.900
Germany Edamer, 40%   € / ton   4.162 +13,6% 3.663 5.013 3.312 3.041 3.054 2.939 3.260 2.513
Poland Edamski, min 42% tl   € / ton   4.515 -2,4% 4.628 4.821 3.306 3.061 3.025 2.972 3.316 2.674
Czech Republic Eidamskà, cihla 45%   € / ton   4.891 -1,1% 4.944 5.055 3.639 3.599 3.757 3.608 3.805 3.211
Slovak Republic Eidamskà, thela 45% t.v.s.   € / ton   7.041 -3,8% 7.320 5.360 5.216 5.213 5.206 5.117 5.027 4.055
Poland Ementaler   € / ton   5.243 +2,9% 5.093 5.283 3.700 3.512 3.537 3.456 3.747 3.185
France EMMENTAL 3kg bloc   € / ton   8.950 +0,6% 8.900 7.083 4.600 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.600
Poland Feta   € / ton   3.484 +0,6% 3.461 3.207 2.428 2.382 2.431 2.417 2.319 2.173
Germany Gouda, 45%-48%   € / ton   4.163 +13,7% 3.663 5.006 3.312 3.041 3.054 2.939 3.260 2.513
Poland Mozzarella   € / ton   4.994 +8,0% 4.626 4.609 3.441 3.312 3.407 3.392 3.460 2.924
Last Update: 2024-10-09
SOURCES: France: FranceAgriMer - RNM / www.rnm.franceagrimer.fr; Germany: ZMP; from May 6th 2009: Süddeutsche Butter- und Käsebörse eV, Kempten; Poland: Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi; Czech Republic: eAgri (Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Rep.); dal 2011: SZIF; Slovak Republic: ATIS;