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Export Australia - Annual and Monthly Profile {Table C} - VOLUMES

This section offers a wide database regarding import and export flows in the main dairy countries and international trade flow analysis on the various dairy such as Cheese, Butter, SMP (Skimmed Milk Powder), WMP (Whole Milk Powder), Whey Powder, WPC, AMF, Condensed Milk, Bulk and Packed Milk, Lactose, Caseins and Caseinates.

In particular :
  • a synopsis highlighting the dairy import share in the geographic regions in relation to both the overall population and the individual inhabitant (SYNOPSIS BY REGION);

  • two charts (world totale dairy export) illustrating this world-wide trend in the given period for the key dairy products and the export trend of the by-products;

  • a synopsis showing, product by product, the export flows of the main Players (USA, EU-27, Australia) into the different geographical areas of the World, viewed in annual perspective and monthly progression (TABLE A);

  • a graphical summary that displays the world exports (representing 85/90% of the world trade flows) of all the dairy products, accompanied by tables of annual reference volumes (TABLE B);

  • the table of the annual and monthly development of exports and imports of all the products considered, expressed both in volumes and in values and accompanied by graphs and tables to give a better understanding, for each of the most significant Players (Argentina, Australia, USA, New Zealand, EU-27,...) (TABLE C);

  • a table that displays the comparison between the historical production, exports, and imports of the key products (balance sheet) in the main Countries (Table D). The annual data are updated on a semiannual basis from FAS-USDA sources.
The user can use the information to:
  • support its strategic decisions;
  • gain a comprehensive overview, in real-time, of the dairy market trend .

CLAL is pleased to show the pages contained within the Dairy World Trade section on a trial basis, in order to evaluate the service before submitting a request for supporting CLAL.it activity.
Diary World Trade: Demo
Diary World Trade: Demo
Demo Dairy World Trade
TABLE A: Export Statistics - WMP Commodity
(click to zoom)
Demo Dairy World Trade
TABLE B: Yearly Analysis
(click to zoom)
Demo Dairy World Trade
TABLE C: Export Statistics - EU 27
(click to zoom)
Demo Dairy World Trade
TABLE D: Monthly Analysis - WMP Commodity
(click to zoom)