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This edition of CLAL Lens aims to quantify:
The information is reported both in terms of volumes and value, with real-time updates.
Check out the China imports with breakdown by dairy product >
Flash Bulletins on the Dairy Market
Reports on specific topics to find engaging answers to market questions
Flash Bulletins on the Dairy Market
Reports on specific topics to find engaging answers to market questions.
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Sign up »Malaysia: Palm oil price | In aumento | +0,63% |
Russia: Milk Production | In aumento | +4,03% |
Belarus: Milk Production | In aumento | +3,96% |
Japan: Caseins price | In aumento | +4,01% |
US: Cheese 40# Blocks price | In calo | -0,93% |
US: Butter, Grade AA price | In calo | -2,16% |
Poland: Butter price (82%) | In calo | -1,43% |
Hungary: Farm gate milk price | In aumento | +9,64% |
Netherlands: Skim Milk Powder (Adpi-SMP) price | In calo | -1,57% |
Netherlands: Whole Milk Powder (WMP) price | In calo | -1,38% |
Netherlands: Butter price (82%) | In calo | -2,06% |
DE, Hannover: Gouda 45% price | In calo | -1,09% |
IT,Reggio Emilia: Parmig. Regg. (24 months) price | In aumento | +0,69% |
IT, Verona: foreign Skim Spot Milk price | In calo | -1,85% |
IT, Verona: Spot milk price | In calo | -3,97% |
IT, Verona: foreign Whole Spot Milk price | In calo | -0,85% |
IT, Milan: Spot milk price | In calo | -3,25% |
IT, Milan: Asiago fresh price | In aumento | +1,26% |