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Market News


Malaysia: Palm oil price In aumento +0,63%
Russia: Milk Production In aumento +4,03%
Belarus: Milk Production In aumento +3,96%
Japan: Caseins price In aumento +4,01%
US: Cheese 40# Blocks price In calo -0,93%
US: Butter, Grade AA price In calo -2,16%


Poland: Butter price (82%) In calo -1,43%
Hungary: Farm gate milk price In aumento +9,64%
Netherlands: Skim Milk Powder (Adpi-SMP) price In calo -1,57%
Netherlands: Whole Milk Powder (WMP) price In calo -1,38%
Netherlands: Butter price (82%) In calo -2,06%
DE, Hannover: Gouda 45% price In calo -1,09%


IT,Reggio Emilia: Parmig. Regg. (24 months) price In aumento +0,69%
IT, Verona: foreign Skim Spot Milk price In calo -1,85%
IT, Verona: Spot milk price In calo -3,97%
IT, Verona: foreign Whole Spot Milk price In calo -0,85%
IT, Milan: Spot milk price In calo -3,25%
IT, Milan: Asiago fresh price In aumento +1,26%
Information Note
  1. Market News evidences only the changes; should no price change or no quotation take place, any mention will be made.
  2. The change/variation concerning PRODUCTION/OUTPUT quantity refers to the same period of the previous year.
  3. The change/variation concerning STOCK quantity refers to the previous month.
  4. The change/variation of price refers to PRICES expressed in local currency (for both EU and the World). The change refers to the previous week/month/year, as the case may be. In the case of dual-listed (min and max), changes are calculated using the MAX PRICE.