EXPORT EU-28: Main 10 purchasers of (Tons)
Country Annual Jan-Feb
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2023 2024 ± % su
2023 *
United Kingdom 82.498 76.382 53.286 67.372 54.347 7.545 7.817 +3,60%
United States 33.117 40.686 43.667 42.000 47.069 9.489 8.501 -10,42%
Saudi Arabia 12.873 22.220 13.510 12.201 20.182 1.840 4.029 +119%
China 11.266 16.669 19.049 13.506 16.344 1.904 2.977 +56,33%
Korea, South 5.465 8.304 11.591 12.128 13.233 2.286 2.259 -1,17%
Morocco 6.361 10.958 10.214 4.136 8.908 2.057 993 -51,72%
Turkey 10.842 6.040 1.136 1.138 7.332 1.801 741 -58,86%
United Arab Emirates 13.103 8.148 6.123 6.435 6.821 954 1.023 +7,26%
Switzerland 392 6.612 4.211 9.320 6.739 1.947 378 -80,58%
Bahrain 754 2.716 1.118 573 6.546 45 33 -26,10%
Source: Processed by Clal based on IHS data
* Change from the same period of previous year.
Note: The classification is based on the year 2023