FOCUS Price Products: detail in real time

Here you will find some selected product prices gathered by Clal.

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Milk Area
“SPOT” whole Milk Market Current price
€ / 100 Kg
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Milan 44,00
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Verona 44,50
 (Tuesday, 2024-4-16)
Verona 42,50
 (Tuesday, 2024-4-16)
Milan 42,75
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Milan 41,50
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
farm-gate whole Milk EU-27 Market Current price
€ / 100 Kg
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Lombardy 48,98
Germany 44,21
Austria 44,40
Bulgaria 44,33
Czech Republic 41,63
Estonia 42,66
France 43,97
Hungary 42,52
Latvia 39,45
Lithuania 42,20
Poland 47,65
Romania 42,70
Slovak Republic 43,92
farm-gate whole Milk USA Market Current price
€ / 100 kg
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
US 42,07
NOTE:Data of prices displayed with the fomat “Year-Month-Day” refer to weekly quotations, whereas data of prices displayed with the format “Month” refer to monthly quotations.
Cheese Area
hard PDO cheeses Market Current price
€ / kg
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Mantua 9,43
 (Thursday, 2024-4-18)
Milan 10,53
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Milan 10,93
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Milan 10,68
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Milan 11,65
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Milan 12,45
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Milan 13,03
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
semi-hard PDO cheeses Market Current price
€ / kg
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Milan 8,55
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Milan 7,20
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Udine 9,85
 (Sunday, 2024-3-31)
Udine 8,70
 (Sunday, 2024-3-31)
Verona 7,10
 (Tuesday, 2024-4-16)
Milan 7,53
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Milan 6,30
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
fresh PDO cheeses Market Current price
€ / kg
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Milan 8,00
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Milan 6,05
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Cheeses Market Current price
€ / kg
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Kempten 7,50
 (Wednesday, 2024-4-17)
Hannover 4,15
 (Wednesday, 2024-4-17)
Oceania 4,12
 (Friday, 2024-4-12)
NOTE:Data of prices displayed with the fomat “Year-Month-Day” refer to weekly quotations, whereas data of prices displayed with the format “Month” refer to monthly quotations.
Whey Powder and by-products Area
Whey powder Market Current price
€ / ton
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Germany 650
 (Wednesday, 2024-4-17)
US 815
 (Friday, 2024-4-12)
NOTE:Data of prices displayed with the fomat “Year-Month-Day” refer to weekly quotations, whereas data of prices displayed with the format “Month” refer to monthly quotations.
Milk powder Area
SMP Market Current price
€ / ton
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Germany 2.375
 (Wednesday, 2024-4-17)
Germany 2.175
 (Wednesday, 2024-4-17)
US 2.359
 (Friday, 2024-4-12)
Oceania 2.394
 (Friday, 2024-4-12)
NOTE:Data of prices displayed with the fomat “Year-Month-Day” refer to weekly quotations, whereas data of prices displayed with the format “Month” refer to monthly quotations.
Butter Area
Butter Market Current price
€ / kg
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Milan 5,68
 (Monday, 2024-4-15)
Kempten 5,95
 (Wednesday, 2024-4-17)
Oceania 6,23
 (Friday, 2024-4-12)
NOTE:Data of prices displayed with the fomat “Year-Month-Day” refer to weekly quotations, whereas data of prices displayed with the format “Month” refer to monthly quotations.
Livestock feeding Area
Corn Market Current price
€ / ton
± from
previous price
± from
1 year ago
Bologna SELECT AVG(price) AS prezzo, `date` FROM bologna_prices WHERE price > 0 GROUP BY `date` ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1: Unknown column 'price' in 'field list'