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Liquid Milk, China

On this page, you will find the monthly production data of Liquid Milk in China.

The monthly production is listed in the table, while the graph to the side illustrates the monthly production over the last three years.

Finally, in the charts below, Liquid milk Production are compared with:
  • Monthly import of Bulk and packed milk;
  • Yearly import of Bulk and packed milk;
  • Monthly import of Bulk and packed milk in the January - September period.
China - Production of Liquid Milk
'000 Tons
previous % *
Tot Year
previous %
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 ± vs prev.
± on 2017
1.189 1.180 1.272 1.410 1.484 1.684 1.793 1.855 1.984 e) 2.908 e) 2.097 e) -9,64% -27,89%
1.111 1.227 1.279 1.286 1.423 1.644 1.751 1.811 1.856 e) 2.627 e) 1.894 e) 0,00% -27,89%
1.126 1.263 1.420 1.495 1.639 1.809 1.797 1.882 2.139 2.232 1.927 -8,12% -13,68%
1.184 1.222 1.508 1.524 1.590 1.862 1.854 1.907 2.123 2.119 1.971 +5,71% -6,98%
1.275 1.406 1.483 1.553 1.675 1.943 1.987 2.050 2.193 2.307 2.088 +2,51% -9,49%
1.472 1.422 1.512 1.784 1.809 2.067 2.168 2.243 2.753 2.637 2.198 +8,79% -16,63%
1.389 1.353 1.532 1.991 1.789 1.852 1.997 2.065 2.342 2.380 2.208 -2,78% -7,19%
1.432 1.451 1.659 1.841 1.821 1.886 1.972 2.153 2.360 2.438 2.211 +0,12% -9,31%
1.091 1.467 1.636 1.868 2.125 1.983 2.032 2.310 2.497 2.654 2.210 +3,28% -16,74%
1.009 1.430 1.680 1.801 1.934 1.967 2.113 2.243 2.420 2.451      
1.090 1.409 1.627 1.830 2.010 2.004 2.113 2.180 2.458 2.307      
1.224 1.440 1.705 2.001 2.207 2.120 2.090 2.248 2.540 2.321      
11.268 11.991 13.301 14.752 15.355 16.728 17.351 18.276 20.245 22.301 18.805
  +6,4% +10,9% +10,9% +4,1% +8,9% +3,7% +5,3% +10,8% +10,2% -15,7%
14.591 16.271 18.313 20.384 21.505 22.820 23.667 24.947 27.663 29.381
  +11,5% +12,5% +11,3% +5,5% +6,1% +3,7% +5,4% +10,9% +6,2%
e) estimated
* change from the same period of previous year
** Adjusted for months of 30 days (Ex. The calculation of the production change of June compared to May is obtained by considering [June production] compared to [May production : 31 x 30])
Source: NBS (National Bureau of Statistics of China)